Ch 3

by spinatale
Tags   vampire   | Report Content


Her weeping fills the air drowning out any other sound.

Her cries hysterical, eyes mad.

“What have I done?” she screams over and over again.

Clutching my shoulders

She shakes me wildly.

“I only wanted him to love me!”





A dark shadow falls over me. I continue to lean against the tree, eyes closed. “What? Hungry again? Didn’t your daily meal of fresh vampire satisfy you?” He doesn’t answer. I open my eyes looking up at his pale face. “What is it?” I ask harshly. He doesn’t talk much. It seems he has something to say today.

“Why…” he begins in a raspy voice of someone who barely talks. “Why don’t you and I have a name?” I cross my arms going back to my nap. He continues to wait for an answer. I continue to ignore him.

The smell of blood is suddenly stronger. I open my eyes again. He has his fangs bared at me, his claw unsheathed, crusted in dried blood. “Why do you care now?” I ask with a sigh. “We’ve been living just fine without needing names.”

His dark eyes pierce mines. The usual soulless look held a small glimmer of emotion, an emotion I can’t identify. “Who am I?” he rasps.

“I don’t know,” I reply. “You just keep your promise and I’ll keep mines.” Seeing that I wasn’t going to answer his question he quietly vanishes into darkness.


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