Chapter 1 Living Hell

Rated M
by PandaNinja
Tags   smut   romance   drama   naruto   lemon   akatsuki   ocxpein   | Report Content



Name- Akira, Tomah

Age- 19

Hometown- village of darkness

Special- dragon

Eyes- gold [Red when in dragon form]

Hair- silver

~*~*~*~*= means its Akira's POV, sorry for the confusion.

Memo: **Warning: may contain spoilers! **

I have never seen many Pein love stories that mentioned about Nagato, [AKA the real Pein] and a little about his life in depth, so I figured I try and make one, some may not know but Pein isn't who you may think he is because really. Overall, Pein is nothing but a reanimated corpse of Yahiko that Nagato did because that was his BEST friend, not many know about it except konan. Nagato eye technique, the Rinnagan[sp] allows him to bring a dead body to life and control it as his own, because those piercings, yes they are piercings, but they are also chakra receivers because pretty much, Nagato can do ANY jutsu he wants! In addition, just to add my two cents, I think Nagato is a HOTTIE! At least when he was younger…now he is….not as hot. -_-'but please enjoy my first attempt to a Pein/Nagato love story! :D OH! And if your into reading stories where the character is always in character, then this may not be the story for you ha-ha, I mean It COULD but I mean really who can see Pein falling in love? Let alone being a father Alternatively, ANY Akatsuki member at that! Ok I am saying too much! _ Ha-ha, that's why it's called FAN-fiction, don't take it so serious, I like doing this for the fun of it and to maybe put a smile on others at least :]

10 years ago…

The rain is pouring hard, the sky is dark as night, and blood is everywhere. It is as if hell became a reality for me, all of the innocent villagers were being attacked, and I am stuck trying to hide from these evil solders. I could not find my parents; my vision was blurred from the fog. I could hear loud screams and shrieks from all around me, I was scared and lost, I tried to yell but it was pointless I shivered from the cold air trying to get away. I bumped into something, and then I gasped. It was a dead body, no only that, it was my mother. I screamed in horror at the gruesome scene.

"I think there's one over here!" I heard a man's voice yell.

My eyes widen trying to find an alternate escape, but it was too late, before I knew it there were two soldiers blocking my way.

"Should we execute this one?" one said.

The other one looked at me, studying me. "No..." he said, "We'll take this one to base," then he grinned, "This one looks like she could be useful one day."

I clearly did not know what was going on, my heart was racing, before I knew I was blindfolded and carried away, away to a place unknown. A place that changed me forever.

5 years later…

A place called of the ANBU that kidnapped me years ago brought me to their stronghold and I was placed in a spare room as prisoner. From what I was told my hometown that was attacked, Village of Darkness was under investigation and the elder dragons were developing a devious plan to control the citizens to destroy other villages. That is when the ANBU came in, they were instructed to assassin all the villagers that were possibly under the elder dragons spell. Sadly, my mother was a victim, possibly my father as well, I do not know why I was kept alive but there must have been a real good reason. However, I was not the only prisoner, this other kid about my age with short black hair covering half his face was taken away from his village as well. Nagato was his name; he as well was isolated from the outside world.

We were in an empty room and he was in a corner with his legs pulled up against his body, he looked like he was in deep thoughts.

"Pardon my asking, but what village were you from?" I asked still looking at the floor.

"Rain," he said softly, not looking at me, "I'm an orphan," he added.

My village had a close alliance with his, maybe that's why the ANBU attacked his home as well, I figured they kept us to brain wash us for their personal use. I may not know much, but I feel that I should avenge my village, so should Nagato.

"Nagato?" I said looking at him this time, when I saw his eye, I could not believe it, he possessed the Rennegan, which was the most powerful of all the others. Moreover, I knew someone of the rain village possessed it but I did not know it would be him.


"I think we should bust out of here and avenge our villages," I said, "they had no right to kill our loved ones, weather the elder dragons were up to no good or not, our homes should not have been at stake,"

He looked down and was in a deep thought; minutes later, he pulled his head up and decided to go along with my plan. "But how though? There are guards everywhere."

He was right; this was not going to be easy, but luckily I been practicing my dragon powers. I was finally able to transform into a full dragon. "Just leave it to me," I assured him.

When some of the guardsmen came to escort us to our rooms, I transformed at the perfect time and pushed them off with my claws.

"We have a code red!" one of them cried, "Prisoner has attacked! I repeat prisoner has attacked!"

Before more guards would come, I placed Nagato on my back and flew down the corridors trying to find an escape, minutes later, I saw a glow of the outside, I flew faster, and Nagato held on tighter. Just minutes before I could escape, I felt a piercing pain on my left wing; someone threw some kunis at me, along with shurikens.

"N-Nagato, try to get them out," I asked.

Good thing he was able to do it, the pain slowly went away as I was able to fly faster. When I was outside, I flew higher into the sky flying off into the distance.

"Y-You did it!" Nagato cried.

When we were far enough, I landed in the middle of a forest and changed into my normal form, I had a few scars and scratches but I was happy to be away.

"So…where do we go from here?" Nagato asked.

I shrugged, "go our separate ways?" I guessed.

He looked down, looking a tad bit sad, "I don't want to admit, but I would agree as well,"

I lifted his head up and made him look at me, "Our paths will cross again, I may not know when but in my heart, I know we will," I gave a light peck on his cheek, "Kimi o aishitei Ru," [I love you] I turned away to walk off.

Nagato blushed and touched where I kissed him, "H-Hey! I never got your name,"

I turned my head, "Akira, Akira Tomah," then I started off, walking off to my own trail of destiny, preparing myself for the battles I may face. I turned to give Nagato one last look, but he was already gone…

So this is my journey huh, I walk this path alone…


To be honest, I am a pretty lazy writer, I procrastinate sometimes and I really need to break that habit -_-'but I love writing though don't get me wrong! Some of my stories are really lame, but I am trying to get better. Sometimes I "rush" them so I can hurry up and get it over with, but I need to remember it takes time to write a story worth reading, I am just so impatient! _;


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