Mission Impossible

Rated M
by PandaNinja
Tags   smut   drama   naruto   tragic   lemon   akatsuki   | Report Content



The next morning, Akira was fixing breakfast for Tobi and Ren, the usual pancakes for Tobi and bacon with eggs for baby Ren.

Tobi sung his infamous pancake song as Akira served him, and Ren cried with glee when his plate was served.

"Bacon, bacon, bacon and eggs, I love bacon with my eggs!" he sung.

"I bet you do!" Akira smiled as she rustled his hair.

Her smiled faded when she saw Hidan walk in, "Hidan…."

He leaned on the doorway with a smile on his face, "How CUTE, fixing breakfast for the youngsters,"

"Mommy cooks the best food!" Ren shouted, "And it makes my mouth happy!"

Hidan snickered, wanting to say something to the child's innocent non-sexual intended words, "That's what she said," he snickered.

Akira shot a warning look, "Hidan…" she said more strictly.

"What? I didn't even say anything 'inappropriate'!" he grinned as he air quoted his words.

"Who do you mean by 'she'" Ren asked with a curious look.

"Oh no one," he smiled, "anyone I guess," he leaned in and whispered in Ren's ear, "Maybe someone like your mommy, did you know your daddy makes her mouth happy to?"

"Huh? How does daddy make mommy's mouth happy?"

Akira shot a glare, "Hidan! What did we tell you yesterday?"

"Um, I was just talking about your 'awesome' breakfast," he said sarcastically.

"Stop being a smart aleck Hidan," She warned him, "Or I'll kick you out of here!"

"Yeah!" Ren added, "And you won't ever come back again!"

Hidan howled again, with laughter, "that's what she said," then he added, "B-T-W kid, I'll ALWAYS be able to come, believe that!"

Akira was starting to grow pissed at Hidan's sexual jokes, did he just say what I think he said to my son? "You can leave now…"

Ren poked at one of bacon strips, "mommy, this one is really hard!"

Hidan grinned once more, "That's…what she said."

Akira ran her hands through her hair, trying not to cuss Hidan out on front of her own son.

"Aww, getting frustrated?" he said with a fake sincere tone, "it's not my fault, your own child is saying these things not me!"

"But your making it sound bad!"

"Hidan, what does daddy do to make mommy's mouth happy? Because I want to make her happy to!" Ren asked.

Hidan coved his mouth with laughter, "they have a different way of making each other happy, and your don't really meet the criteria for Pein's role,"

"Aww, but I really want to make her happy to!"

"Ren, you always make me happy," Akira said as she stroked the young boys face, "You don't have to do anything ok," then she turned to Hidan with a scowl, "now you can stop with the inappropriate jokes, Ren has heard enough from you,"

He grinned at his success, "sure, sure whatever," he turned to walk away.

"Hidan… when you say 'that's what she said,' were you referring to my mommy?" Ren asked.

He turned with a smile, "You're a fast learner kid!"

"Out!" Akira shouted.

He sneered as he walked out the kitchen, "nice ass by the way!" he cried out before he left.

Akira fumed with anger at the silver haired man's comment.

"Mommy," Ren said carefully, "did that man upset you again, I'll protect you from him,"

Akira calmed down at her son's lovely comment, "aw thanks sweetie, but it's ok, mommy can handle that mean man's cruel words,"

"Otay, but if he hurts you, I'll defend you!"

The mother's heart warmed, Ren had Pein's passionate love and protection and that was a wonderful thing about her son.

Pein called Hidan into his office for a mission; he was assigned Hidan and Kakuzu to go to a village to execute a local girl that is possessed by some dark evil power. They did not know what this mysterious girl look like but Pein gave the address to find her.

"So we have to get rid of some chick that's possessed by some hocus pocus and were done?" Hidan said with a bored look.

"Yes, is that too much for you?" Pein frowned.

"Nah, best mission yet actually," he grinned, "Kakuzu, you can do your thing, I'll just watch today,"

The masked man mumbled inaudible words and walked off.

"Just get it done and hurry back," Pein growled.

"Uh huh, whatevs boss man," Hidan waved him off, following Kakuzu.

The two men walked down the trail to the designated village, Hidan placed his arms behind his head walking with a bored look. "Think this demon chick might be a hottie?"

Kakuzu glared, "why the hell would I care…"

"I don't know, why WOULD you care, it's not like your getting laid buddy!"

The man growled, "I will find a way to kill your ass, just you wait!"

"Puh-Leez!" Hidan rolled his magenta eyes, "stop wasting your breath moron,"

Kakuzu mumbled more muttered words, "let's just get this over with…"

When they got to the address, it was a two-leveled brown home. The two men walked on the porch and rung the doorbell.

"If were suppose to kill this woman, why are we waiting at the door as if were fucking visitors?" Hidan pointed out.

"Just let me lead idiot,"

"Tch….Feisty little—"

A little girl about Ren's age peeked through the door, her eyes were a bright magenta, she had long silvery white silky hair, and her skin was a pale white. She looked up at the two tall men in awe.

Kakuzu froze at the sight of the young girl, "Hidan…" He said, "Do you have any…relatives, like a sister or something?"

"Hell no!"

"Then why does this brat look just like you?"

"You saying I look like a girl?" Hidan cried.

"You know what I mean jackass!"

"What do you two fuck faces want?" the little girl muttered.

"It talks like me to!"

"It?" Kakuzu shouted, "Hidan, you got a bitch pregnant!"

"Hey! Don't jump the gun zombie face!" Hidan cried out, he looked at the girl, she did look like a female version of him but it could not have been his kid. Couldn't be! "Kid, where's your mom?"

"My mother told me to not tell creepy strangers like you to know where she is,"

Hidan was getting aggravated, "Tell me where your fucking mother is!"

"I'm not going to fucking tell you! You fucking fuck face!"

"This kid wants to get hurt!" Hidan growled under his breath.

A woman came to the door holding the child back, "Hime' I told you to not open the door without my consent!"She cried, she did not really look at the two men as she pulled her child away.

Hidan was shocked when he saw the familiar girl's face, "Angelcakes?"

The woman quickly looked when she heard the familiar voice, her heart dropped at the sight of those magenta eyes that always made her body tremble, even just thinking about it. The man she last slept with for that one night was here, on her doorstep.

"Long time no see…" he said in that same memorizing tone when they first met.

Her grip tightened on her child's hand, accidently squeezing it.

"Ow, mommy your hurting me!" the young girl cried in pain.

"Oh I'm sorry sweetie!" she said releasing her grip, "um…go inside and play, mommy has an important situation at the moment,"

"Damn straight!" Hidan cried out.

Hime' glared at the two strange men, "but mom… these guys look creepy!"

"Just go Hime' I'll be back in there in a minute,"

When the child left Hidan harshly pulled Mayuri's arms to his body, she tensed up a little feeling uncomfortable. "Kakuzu, go do whatever it is you do best, Angelcakes and I need to have…a talk," he said while still locking his eyes on her.

The masked man shrugged carelessly and walked back to base, Hidan glared into her big onyx eyes, "care to explain the situation with that little monster of yours," he growled.

"That is my daughter!" she said, her eyes sharp.

He gripped her tighter, making her wince, "I can see that, so the father would be…"

"Defiantly not you!" she growled.

Hidan released his grip from her arm and gripped her by her neck, "really? Then why hell does she look just like me?" his eyes were demanding and severe, "care to explain THAT?"

Mayuri look away not wanting to admit the fact that she had a child by him, but she could not lie to him it was evident that it was Hidan's child as well, "okay! So I just so happened to get pregnant, and you just so happen to be the father alright,"

"Heh, so I AM the father of that brat!"

"She's not a brat! She is my daughter, and her name is Hime'!"

Hidan rolled his eyes, "Tch, same difference, -" he was about to call her by her name but he stammered realizing he never bothered to ask her name, "Uh…what's your name anyway Angelcakes?"

Mayuri gave a cold humorless laugh, "took you long enough, my name is Mayuri,"

"Ma…Yuri huh?" then he grinned, "can I call you Yuri? I would guess you go both ways huh?"

The girl blushed, "No I do not!" she shouted, "I am straight!"

"Sure sure," he said, "I just thought I'd have a chance for a threesome, that's all," a sly grin grew across his face.

Mayuri shoved him off, "you're still the same sicko I met seven years ago…"

"And your still feisty I see," he smirked as he pulled her close to his body, "it's turning me on to," he licked his lips as he looked at her sexually.

Mayuri gritted her teeth, feeling uncomfortable with Hidan's touch.

"C'mon, I know you want to relive that hot and steamy past, don't ya?" he said in a dark and sexual tone.

"Hidan I—" before she could finish her sentence Hidan crashed his lips into hers using his tongue to pry into her mouth, she gave a muffled moan in protest but Hidan was far stronger than she was. The thing she hated the most was that her body loved his forceful kisses, he cupped his hands on her soft cheeks as he tongued her forever more.

"Ah I missed your soft lips," he said when he pulled back for air.

Mayuri almost felt missed by him until he felt on her breast and said, "But I miss these the most!" he grinned.

She pulled his hand away, "Don't think you're going to have your way with me again," she mumbled.

"Oh ho?" he cocked an eyebrow, "you know you like it when I fuck with you,"

Mayuri blushed, "ugh, why are you here anyway?"

"I was assigned a mission and—" Hidan paused realizing that Mayuri is that he was assigned to kill, he thought for awhile then asked in a serious tone, "Hey… do you just so happen to be possessed by…. I dunno some evil magic or something?"

Mayuri shuddered a little at the question, "Uh…" she did not know what to say, when she was young she was cursed by an evil angel that brought out her evil persona every time blood was exposed from her body or when her body grew excited with pleasure. She realized her other persona was exposed when she and Hidan had that one nightstand.

Mayuri's mother cried softly in the corner as she held her small daughter's hand, her 5 year old was unaware of what was going to happen to her. Everyone else in her family were full fledge vamps but sadly little Mayuri did not get the full trait, labeling her as a demon child.

"m-mommy?" she small child asked, "What's going to happen to me?"

Her mom looked up and gave a weak smile, "the…nice lady is going to… um give you an extraordinary gift…"

"Will it hurt?"

More tears streamed down the mother's face, "no, not at all," she said softly not wanting to worry the child.

Soon then a tall woman in a black dress walked in with a spell book in hand, "Is the chosen one ready?" her voice was serious and stern.

Mayuri's mother looked up with wet eyes, "Don't hurt her okay," she whimpered.

The spell caster just gave the woman a dead look, "I'll try not to," she grabbed little Mayuri's hand and guided her into a room.

The room was small and dark and symbols were drawn all over the room, the small child shivered with fear at the dark room. The tall woman placed little Mayuri on a ritual table, the little girl's whole body trembled with fear.

"Calm down small one," the woman said trying to sound pleasant but her voice was still cold, "I'm going to make you better…"

The woman placed a black blindfold around the child's eyes, Mayuri could feel her arms become chained to shackles; she winced at the tightness of the cold metal.

"Were ready…"

A group of other people dressed in dark cloaks appeared into the room and circled around the ritual table they all opened a sacred spell book and began chanting an ancient spell.

"Oh great one of the mighty spirit, come fourth and reimburse the lost soul of the chosen one!" the dark woman chanted.

The drawings on the wall glowed and began floating around the room.

Mayuri's lip trembled causing a tear to run down the blindfold, she may have not been able to see what's going on but the sound of everything scared her, all she wanted was to go back home into her mother's arms. As the chant went on, a ghostly black winged dark angel appeared into the room.

"Oh great one of darkness, we call upon your supremacy to seal yourself into this lost soul!" the spell caster eyes rolled into the back of her head, feeling the power simulate around the room. The ghostly dark angel glowed into the air and entered into Mayuri's small body.

The little girl screamed in pain, she tried to free her hands but the chains only tightened, it only took a few minutes but it felt like hours to Mayuri. Blood streamed down the blindfold, her veins felt like they were on fire. Blood ran down to her small hands, they slightly twitched. It felt as if her spirit was leaving and coming back into her body.

Her back arched as she screamed, tugging the chains as hard as she could, but she was too frail. Her breathing was labored and she could feel someone lay her legs down. She gritted her teeth and squeezed her fists she was powerless and no one was there to save her.

The ritual lasted hours and hours, when it was finally over body felt drained and lifeless. She was made into something she did not even want, a monster.

Rethinking that horrid childhood memory made Mayuri tremble again then she looked into Hidan's confused magenta eyes, "Hidan…. Were you and your friend here to….assassinate me?"

"Well, my leader assigned us to do it, I had nothing to do with it really," he shrugged.

Mayuri fell to her knees, "Please," she begged, "please don't kill me!" tears streamed down her face, "I'm not a killer or anything! I have a child for god's sake! Please… don't kill me; I beg of you!" she looked up into his eyes, "you wouldn't hurt your Angelcakes would you?"

"Hey, hey, hey!" Hidan had his arms out; her crying was making him fell awkward, "stop crying alright! I won't kill you," he sighed out of frustration, "I'll negotiate something with the boss man, although he and I are not on good terms at the moment. But I'll try,"

Mayuri jumped up and hugged him as tight as she could, "you're a life savior!"

Hidan smirked, "I'm flattered and all, but However…." He lifted her chin up to face him with his finger, "you're going to have to pay me back somehow," he voice grew dark and seducing.

Mayuri froze, as Hidan looked her up and down, she knew what he had in mind, but she tried to find an alternate route. "Uh…why don't I just pay you with what all I have?" she said nervously.

Hidan gave an offended look, "Bitch do I look like Kakuzu to you?" he spat out, "Money doesn't mean a damn thing in my book Angelcakes, so your gonna HAVE to let me have my way with you this time,"

This was the time where Mayuri wished people were greedy with money; apparently, Hidan did not have a care in the world about it, which surprised her. However, he did say he would not let her be assassinated, so what Hidan wants, Hidan gets.

"Ok ok," she sighed as she gave in, "fine, you can… do me…" the sound of those words coming out her own mouth didn't sound like something she would say, however her life was on the line and the protection of her child as well. Therefore, she was willing to do something so out of character.

Hidan grinned with joy as he pulled Mayuri away with him, "I know just the place,"

Before they could leave the yard, Hime' bolted out the door, "Mommy! W-where are you going?" she cried, "and why is that creepy man with you?"

Hidan sighed with annoyance at the interference.

"I'll be back soon ok!" Mayuri said, "Just watch the house and be a good girl ok!"

"B-But, we were going to have a tea party tonight!" the little girl stomped her feet.

"Just listen to the woman dammit!" Hidan yelled with irritation.

"Fuck you! You're not my daddy!" she yelled.

Hidan was going to say something but Mayuri stopped him, "Hime' sweetie, I'll play with you later ok, I promise, this is really important so just stay put till I get back,"

The little girl huffed, getting upset, but went back into the house as she was told.

Mayuri blushed a little at her child's behavior in front of Hidan, "I'm sorry," she said with a weak smile, "she's a handful."

"Eh, we'll deal with that later," he shrugged, "we have unfinished business missy!" He said as his evil grin came back, pulling her with him as they ran to a cheap motel.

Kakuzu walked into the Akatsuki base and into Pein's office, the pierced man was shocked by his early presence.

"Finished already?" Pein asked raising an eyebrow.

"It appears that Hidan knows this girl and they must have some sort of history," Kakuzu stated, "Moreover, this girl has a seven year old daughter as well,"

Pein frowned in shock, "Wait, are you serious?"

"Yes, this girl, who is a single mother, had a child with Hidan, so we'll have to terminate the mission,"

Pein did not know whether to laugh, or to be disturbed, someone having a kid with Hidan was beyond his surprise. What girl would want a kid with him? "Fine, I'll cease the mission, however, if something bad happens, I will do something…"


Pein looked around, "where's the ol bastard anyway?"

"He told me to leave while they talked or whatever, well, I'll be in my room counting funds. Holler if you need me," he said as he walked out.

"Y-yeah sure," Pein couldn't help but to focus on the information of Hidan with a kid, I wonder what she looks like? He thought, furthermore, I wonder what the MOTHER looks like, how in the hell did he get a girl pregnant…well he IS a horny bastard so I should not be surprised. Still, he has a frickin kid now!

Akira walked into the room wondering why Kakuzu was back so early.

"Apparently, Hidan knows the girl, and you know what else?" Pein said.


"He's a father…a fucking father Akira!" Pein cried out, "He has a daughter that he hasn't seen for 7 years!"

Akira's mouth dropped to the floor, "please tell me you're joking!"

"I wish, but Kakuzu told me, he seen it with his own eyes, and I believe him,"

"Who would want a baby with him?" Akira said with a sickened face.

"Guess some girls like it…"

Akira shook her head, "how sickening,"

**A/N- I know some of you may be thinking, 'Oh this is so similar to LadyFoxy's story 'The perfect Stranger' on . Yes I am aware of this, that is why I put 'an inspired story by LadyFoxy', I loved that story of hers so much a just HAD to incorporate a similar storyline like hers! So on to my story, so Hidan has a daughter, heh who would think of that! He he I would! ^_^ it may seem OOC for some, but I like how things are going so far… that is the beauty of 'Fan-Fiction!' Kay, see ya next chapter!



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