Lending a Helping Hand

Rated M
by PandaNinja
Tags   smut   drama   naruto   tragic   lemon   akatsuki   | Report Content



At his new home, Ren was helping Akira with the dishes, she washed while he dried, and the moment was silent, more silent then what Ren was used to, so he decided to break the silence, "Mom…" his little voice squeaked.


"Is it true that Hidan has a kid now?"

Akira stopped washing a plate and looked at her son expectantly, "How do you know about this?"

"Um… I eavesdropped on some conversations…" the small boy admitted, "I'm sorry momma, I was interested on what was going on, that's all,"

She sighed and patted his hair, "It's ok, you'd probably find out sooner or later,"

Ren dried the last dish and placed it away, knowing that Hidan has no respect, he felt sorry for the girl that had his baby, "mom… I'm sure Hidan hurt the lady's feeling and his daughter's feeling as well, it's not right to treat girls like that," a tear ran down his plump cheeks, "they don't deserve it,"

Akira hugged her son, "you're a VERY loving boy, you know that," she whispered into his ear, "more boys should be like you,"

Ren looked up into his mother's eyes, "can we meet them?"

"Hidan's daughter and her mother?"

"Yeah! I want them to know that we want to help them!" his eyes grew wide with anticipation.

Akira thought on it, "well, we have to talk with daddy first Hun, I don't know where they live…"

"Well let's go to base and talk to him!" Ren cried.

Akira gave a mild laugh, "Ren sweetie, the base is a nice walk away…"

"Then fly! Don't worry mom I'll ride on your back!" he cried, "I've never ridden on your back before, it seems so cool!"

"But I don't want you to get hurt!"

"I don't want Hidan's daughter and her mom to get hurt!" he yelled, his eyes were full of compassion, this 7 year old was dead serious, "I rather risk my life first than to have two girl's lives be ruined by a devil like Hidan!"

Akira could not help but gasp at her son's words; she has never seen him so serious about something. So she decided to abide by her son's wish and visit Hime' and Mayuri. She smiled, "ok Ren, we'll visit them,"

The young boy jumped with joy when they left the house and climbed onto Akira's back, Akira carefully began her flight as she took off into the air.

Ren smiled as the air blew into his face, he kept his grip on Akira's dragon scales. "I feel so free!" he shouted as he raised his arms like a bird.

"Hey now, hold on tight!" Akira warned.

Back at base, Ren was the first to run into Pein's office, he widen his eyes at his son's presence, "Ren, what are you doing here? Your suppose to be at the alternate home,"

"I know daddy, but… I was wondering if, mommy and I can get Hidan's daughter and her mom's address,"

He raised an eyebrow, "Why is that?"

Akira finally walked in trying to catch her breath, she went and told how much Ren wanted to protect Hime' and her mother from Hidan. Pein thought about it, even though the mission was classified, he did not want to upset his son at the same time. "Well Ren, since your VERY passionate and serious about it, I'll let you, but you'll have to be with your mother at all times, we don't know what those people are like,"

Ren jumped with joy and hugged his father crying with tears of joy, "Thanks so much daddy! This means so much to me!"

Pein looked up at Akira with a knowing look and said, "Make sure Hidan doesn't find out," he whispered, "I'll try to occupy him as well,"

She gave a quick nod; she took her son's hand and walked out the office.

Akira and Ren followed to the address, she lightly knocked on the door and waited, minutes or almost seconds later Hime' swung the door open hoping for it to be Hidan, her eyes went from wide to normal when she saw them, "Um, may I help you?" she asked.

"Hello, I'm Akira, and this is my son Ren,"

Ren gave a bashful smile and a small wave of hand, he did not know this young girl would be his age and cute at the same time! "h-hi,"

Mayuri came to the door next, "Hello…who are you?" she gave a guarded look.

"I'm Akira, Hidan's… other boss, and this is my son Ren, we came over because we wanted to meet you two," she said, "Well, really my son wanted to but I was curious what you guys were like,"

Mayuri gave a grin, "Heh, you thought I was another whore of Hidan's didn't you?" she said in a knowing matter.

She wanted to say yes but she did not want to come off rude to the girl, "what? No, I'm shocked really that he slept with a girl so…non-slutty like you actually, you have a child by him for Pete's sake, I wonder how that must feel,"

She chuckled lightly,"Very….different," she said, "come in so we can talk properly, I just made some tea,"

Akira sat on the couch with Ren on her lap, while Mayuri served them glass teas and sat on the reclining chair with Hime' leaning on the arm of the chair, "So…what's your name?" Akira asked.

"Mayuri, and this is Hime'"

"Pretty names…" Ren suddenly blurted.

Mayuri smiled, "Thank you sweetie,"

Akira smiled at her son's gentleman like behavior, but she looked up to Mayuri and asked if the kids could play somewhere so she could talk with her personally, Hime' suggested Ren play with her in her room with her coloring books.

When the children were gone, Akira looked into Mayuri's eyes, she could tell just by looking that the young girl been through a lot, "So…has he visited lately,"

"No…" she admitted, her head hung low, "he promised he'd come when he wanted to though, but I don't know when that will happen," she looked up at Akira, "so you say your his boss right? Were you the one who assigned them to… assassinate me?"

"No, that was my husband, he's the main leader, and I had no part in it,"

The girl looked down, "so…am I still at risk?"

Akira touched her hand, "of course not, you have a child and we wouldn't let Hime' suffer with you gone, and you two have enough to deal with already,"

She looked up and smiled, happy with the response, "Thank you…"

"Now correct me if I'm wrong, but… when you first met Hidan, I would take it you…liked, what he did to you," Akira said carefully, she did not know how to phrase it nicely.

The young girl sighed with a sheepish grin, "Well um… your half right, I must admit, my body takes pleasure in his…actions and it sickens me every day that my body would like such explicit actions, but I just want to live a normal life with my daughter and hopefully if possible. Have Hidan in her life more as well,"

Akira raised an eyebrow, "Yeah, keep wishing darling, keep wishing REAL hard, cause it may never happen,"

She has a point, but I have faith in Hidan unlike his co-workers… she does not know Hidan like I do.

Akira placed her hand over hers and looked at her, sensing her pain of rejection, "But if you ever need help, or just want someone to talk to, I'm here, I'll lend a helping hand out for you and your child. Both Ren and I will be there, and I'm sure Ren would be honored to be a playmate with Hime'" Akira smiled.

Mayuri gave a full smile, it has been ages since someone wanted to be there for her, and Akira was growing like a sister to her already, "Thank you Akira, that means a lot to me,"

She smiled, "I'm glad,"

In Hime's room, they could hear the two children play and laugh, Hime' was glad that she had someone to play with. Mayuri smiled at the sound of her daughter's laughter, "Your son, he's a very charming boy," she said, "You must be proud,"

"Yes, I am. He is just like his father and I make sure it stays like that,"

She smiled, "must be nice to have a man that you know that loves you, I was caught on a bad night to be at a sleazy bar that night,"

"Well this may sound cliché but, like they say: things happen for a reason. Just be glad that Hime' turned into a loving young girl,"

Yeah she is right, but if Hidan finds out about Akira helping me, I am sure he will freak. "Akira, does Hidan know you're visiting me?"

"Nope," she said simply, "I feel it would be safer at the moment,"

"Thank you…"

Akira decided to get a little more personal by asking about the demon possessed by her, shockingly Mayuri told her the whole story about her experience when she was young and how the pain ruined her forever.

"Apparently I wasn't a 'honorable' full fledge vampire," she said, "so when my body gets to excited or my blood becomes to exposed, I just change into this monster,"

Hearing her story placed a new perspective on Mayuri, Akira would have never thought the girl went through so much… she seemed so pretty and 'perfect'. However, Akira would not say that aloud.

"I'm sure your life went well, since you have a loving man and child," Mayuri said with a small smile.

You have NO idea, she thought, "Me? I wish. My entire hometown was put to death, along with my parents… so perfect life you say. I think not,"

Mayuri gasped feeling ashamed for saying such a thing, "I'm so sorry!"

"It's ok… you didn't know,"

"Guess there's a lot of things we don't know in this word," she said with a small smile.

"Yes, you couldn't be any more right," Akira, stated.

Moments later the two children ran in to show off their artwork, Ren colored a puppy and Hime' colored in a baby duck.

"Look mommy! Isn't it cute!" Hime' said while holding up the picture to her mother.

"This is beautiful," she smiled.

It was Ren's turn to show his masterpiece to his mom now, "it's a puppy with BLUE fur!" he cried.

Akira laughed, "this is very good Ren, I love it, I'll hang it on the fridge ok,"


After a few more minutes of playing around, Akira and Ren got ready to leave.

"Aww!" Ren whined, "just a little longer!"

"We'll visit them again ok; we have to go home now,"

With a few pouts, he finally gave in; Akira laughed, and said, "We'll see you again guys,"

They both waved, "thanks for visiting," Mayuri said.

"Hope we can color again soon Ren!" Hime' cried.

When the mother and young boy walked back to their home, Ren walked slowly with his head down, saddened that he had to leave his new friend. Akira could tell her son was unhappy so she tried to bring his spirits back up, "Don't worry," she said, "we'll see them again,"

"It's not just that," he said softly, "I don't want Hidan hurting them…"

They continued to walk in silence; even Akira herself could not believe her 7 year old would want to protect someone so much. She knew then, that her son was no ordinary boy.

"Hidan won't harm them," she assured the boy, "I'll make sure,"

Ren looked as his mother, "you're just saying that to make me feel better, lying is bad mom, you should know,"

You are my child Ren… "I'm sorry; I know it's hard to think about, they're wonderful people," she said, "two beautiful girls…"

Ren slightly blushed, "Y-yeah, beautiful…"

Akira smiled, "you think Hime' is beautiful?"

"M-Mom!" the boy covered his face with embarrassment, although no one was around.

"Ok, ok, what about pretty?"

"Y-yeah, she's p-pretty…"

"Its ok to have a crush you know, its natural,"

Ren turned redder, almost beet red, "Can we just go home!"

She giggled, "Yes, we can go home."

"Do you think they'll stop over again?" Hime' asked.

"Yeah, I'm sure of it," Mayuri knew that Akira was serious about being there for her, and she could see it in her eyes.

"Miss Akira is very pretty," Hime' said with a smile, "she looks like she has a kick ass—er I mean butt attitude!"

"Heh, yeah she is a nice lady, and so is Ren. Did you two have fun?"

Hime's face glowed with delight, "boy did we! He's really cool; I can't wait to play with him again!"

The happy moment ended when Hidan bolted into the room, he looked as if he has been drinking…again.

"Daddy!" Hime's eyes grew wide with joy, "you came back!"

He rubbed his head, "yeah…I'm here, just shut up for a minute…." He looked at Mayuri with a crooked grin, "hey….Angelcakes, can I crash here tonight? I'm beat." His words slurred as he spoke.

She was surprised by his entrance she was lost for words, "uh... sure of course!"

"Hey…brat, go play outside with your dolls or something," Hidan said as he waved the little girl off.

"Okay!" she cried, Hime' grabbed a doll and ran out the door.

He laid on the couch, worn out from whatever it was he was doing. Possibly out screwing other women was what Mayuri thought. However, the odd thing was that Hidan was smiling at her with a goofy, obviously drunk grin. "Yuri chan," he slurred, "you should lay with me," he patted a spot for her to sit.

"Your drunk." She said blankly.

"Tch. YOUR dr-drunk! Come on, relax a little…"

Mayuri debated but finally gave in; she instantly hated herself when she sat down.

Hidan played with her hair as he kept smiling, "your pretty hot, you know that…"

"Um….I think you need to get some sleep Hidan,"

"No!" he laughed, "I need YOU!" he slid a hand up her shirt gripping on her breast, "you have soft boobs," he smiled.

"H-Hidan! That was uncalled for!" She shoved his hand away.

"Bleh, Bleh, Bleh," he ridiculed, "That's what you sound like, come on Angelcakes, loosen up." Hidan pinned her to the couch and towered over her, making sure she could not escape.

Even when he is drunk, he still keeps a tight grip! "Hidan…you can't—"

He crashed his lips onto hers, Mayuri was incapable of shoving him off, and she was overpowered once again by Hidan's grip. She gave muffled moans of protest when he went for her neck, he bit her softly then he bit her harder, causing her to bleed; but not enough to make her shift to her other persona.

"Your blood is sweet like sugar," he purred.

Mayuri gritted her teeth, "Hidan, you're going too far!"

He held her tighter, "yeah, and I don't fucking care," he whispered with a snicker, "you're sexy when you're pissed at me,"

Hidan continued to kiss and suck on Mayuri's neck; he even managed to get her pants off. However, the moment was interrupted by a familiar small voice.

"Daddy?" Hime' said as she dropped her doll when she saw the horrid scene.

Both Mayuri and looked up feeling embarrassed, "kid, I told you to go outside!" Hidan growled, instantly becoming sober.

Her eyes started to water but there were no tears yet, "why are you hurting mommy?"

"What? Oh no, I'm not hurting her, were just messing around, right Angelcakes?"

"Y-yeah," she said.

"But…but why is there blood on your mouth daddy? And why is mommy bleeding! You hurt mommy!"

Shit, the damn brat got me, he thought, "kid, it's not what it looks like I swear!"

Mayuri finally managed to push Hidan off her, she got up and hugged her daughter, "don't cry sweetie, I'm fine…" she soothed, "daddy didn't hurt me,"

Hidan just snarled, upset that his intimate moment was interrupted. "Damn brat," he muttered under his breath.

"I came in to t-tell you guys that a c-creepy man came to me and said he wanted to see mommy but I said no, my mommy doesn't allow me to share that information to strangers," Hime' stammered as she talked.

This caught both their attentions, especially Hidan's, "did the stranger leave?" Mayuri asked.

"What was the lil fucker's name?" Hidan growled.

"I don't know…"

"What did he look like?" Mayuri asked.

"Tall, weird colored eyes, and he had short black hair with a purple highlight that covered half his face,"

Her heart had a sinking feeling because from what her daughter said, it sounded like her ex Kyo, the last man she was ever with.

"Do you think you know who she's talking about?" Hidan asked.

"No..." she lied; she did not want Hidan getting suspicious. That would be dangerous.

He narrowed his eyes, "you sure, cause if it's some fucker who's trying to fuck with you guys I'll kick their sorry ass's goodbye!"

Mayuri looked at him and gave a small smile, "Yes, I'm sure. So no need to get feisty,"

"Hey! That's my line!"

She giggled, "Oh I'm sorry, I didn't know it was copyrighted," she said with cynicism.

"Well it is, so next time you say it you owe me 50 bucks each time!"

"Heh, ok ok, fine,"

"What's copyrighted?" Hime' asked.

"Means that daddy owns that word and only he can say it," Mayuri explained.

"What! That's not fair!"

"Life's not fair kid," he said as he patted the girl's head.


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