Through pain and weakness

Rated M
by PandaNinja
Tags   smut   drama   naruto   tragic   lemon   akatsuki   | Report Content



At the Akatsuki base, Ren was in Deidara's room playing with his clay, but today he wasn't his energetic self and Deidara could tell.

"What's wrong Ren?" he asked.

Ren sighed, "Uncle Dei," he started to say.


"Does...Does Hidan have any type of weak spot?"

Deidara gave a weak laugh, "Heh, I WISH, but I doubt it though,"

"Everyone has a weak spot though! He has to have at least one!"

"well, if I were to guess, I would guess that Mayuri girl he's with, he's been staying at her house more and more now,"

"Yeah you're right, I just wish he didn't have to be so mean to them," Ren looked down and fiddled with the clay.

Deidara noticed the clay formed a letter H, hmm, 'H' for 'Hime'' I presume. Deidara guessed, but he didn't say anything, but instead he said, "what are your feelings towards Hime'?'"

Ren laid the clay down, "Hime'… is an awesome person, I feel she deserves better, her and her mom, she's grown like a….sister or best friend to me,"

Deidara just smiled, "Well it's good that you care so much about them,"

"I'll make her happy even if it kills me!"

Such big words coming from a small kid… Deidara said to himself.

Hime' had guided Hidan to a local, family owned sushi shop. The owner, Hathor greeted them when they walked in.

"Well if it isn't Hime'-Chan!" he smiled, "what brings you in?"

"I'm here with my daddy to show him the best place to eat!"

Hathor looked up towards Hidan, his eyebrows slightly raised with revelation, "oh… So YOUR-"

"Yeah I'm the kid's fucking dad!" Hidan glared, "What's it to you punk?"

"Oh, n-nothing at all sir, I'm sorry to intrude, my apologies," his voice shook at the menacing man.

"Got a table for us?" Hime asked nicely.

"Yes, of course! Right this way," he led the father and daughter to a table for two, "so what will it be today?" he asked.

"Pork chops!" Hime' cried.

Hidan snorted a laugh; his daughter had good taste in food. Therefore, he ordered a large serving of pork chops.

"So you and Angelcakes come here regularly?" Hidan asked while they waited for their meal.

"Yeah, sometimes Hathor gives us free meals!"

Hidan arched an eyebrow, "ya don't say…Say, does this Hathor guy have feelings for Angelcakes?"

Hime' shrugged, "I dunno, he's a friendly guy, and his wife did die recently though,"

Hidan just let out an "Hmp" not wanting to share his thoughts on a sensitive subject. Minutes later Hathor came back with the food.


"Thanks!" Hime' smiled when she saw the food set before her, she took 5 pieces while leaving her father the rest.

Hidan's eyes grew wide, "Kid, you eat as if no one feeds you!"

Hime' Blushed a little, "Sorry, but I LOVE pork chops!"

He shrugged, "Well, guess I can't complain."

Mayuri continued to lie on the messy bed curled up silently weeping to herself. Her body was still in pain and she still shivered at the thought of Hidan.

Why am I so weak? Why do I let him do this to me and let my daughter see me get hurt?

More hot tears streamed down her face as she cursed at herself.

If I want to be stronger, I could…. She shook her head at the dangerous thought, I don't want Hime' to get hurt…It is too risky.

Mayuri slowly sat up, wincing at her aching body but she managed to walk downstairs into the living room. It was quiet and she didn't know that Hidan took Hime' with her. She slightly began to worry about what could happen to her daughter until the door opened. It was Hime' and Hidan. Hime's eyes lit up with joy at the sight of her mother, she ran up to her and gave her a hug.

"Mommy!" she cried.

"Hime'…" she said softly.

Hidan narrowed his eyes, "You sure heal fast…"

Mayuri slowly looked up into the silver haired man's eyes hoping he will not hurt her. "So…where did you two go?"

"Some restaurant," Hidan shrugged, "But I tell you, this kid of ours has one hell of an appetite!"

Hime' laughed with a slight blush.

Mayuri gave a weak smile, "did you have fun Hime'?"

The young girl nodded, "Boy did I!"

She rustled her hair, "That's good…"

Hime' ran off into her room to play with her toys, leaving Mayuri and Hidan alone in the living room. There was an awkward moment of silence for the longest and neither of them liked it. Hidan reached out to touch Mayuri's arm, she flinched at his touch thinking he was going to hurt her again. He could tell she was still shaken up and it made him feel bad.

"Look, I'm sorry I was rough with you Angelcakes, but it was to teach you a lesson. Moreover, I hate when people scheme behind my back that's all. I won't do it again I promise ok," He pulled her closer to a hug, which surprised her.

Mayuri hugged him back and believed in his words.

Akira was at the Akatsuki Base sitting at her desk in her thinking position, she knew if she continued to interfere in Hidan's life with Mayuri, which would just piss him off again. She was still silently debating if the relationship between them was still a good thing or not.

She let out a huge sigh of frustration, "What to do…."

Soon then, Pein walked into the room, "Why are you so worked up for? It's usually me in your situation,"

"This whole Hidan and Mayuri thing is still getting to me Pein; I mean is this a good thing or bad thing?"

"Well, with the fact that they have a kid kind of makes the decision harder," he replied, "But don't forget, Mayuri still has that spell and at any given moment she can kill anyone. Maybe even Hidan,"

Akira sighed, "And that's what I'm scared of, she's a nice girl but her treacherous ability is dangerous."

"That is true," agreed Pein, "Why don't we just not interfere unless it's necessary and sit back and just watch and see what happens?"

"Hmmm, I guess I could do that,"


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