Survey taken from PastelSky

by Melodysarah  
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 1. How often are you on FFO?

A lot actually...=P


2. What do you normally do when you're on FFO?

See if I have replies, story updates, if I'm on a computer, update

3. How many friends do you have on AFF?


4. How many of them do you talk to on a regular basis?

Uh, three? Two are my sisters...O.O


5. Do you know how your friends are doing?

Not really...


6. Would you say you give or take more on FFO?

I give more! XD I mean I only have one subscriber really...O.O


7. How many stories have you written?

On here? Three On asianfanfics? 19


8. How many are complete?

Here, None, AFF, 14.


9. Are there any stories that you aren't satisfied with?

Yeah, two out of the three on here...XD


10. Do you have a goal for the number of stories you want to write?

My goal is actually to fill this place up with Mpreg stories, don't like mpreg, don't read, that wont stop me!


11. How do you personally feel about FFO?

Its a fun way to get away from my sisters, who don't know about it, and a connection for RpR and AFF for me.....XD


12. Have you gotten attached to anyone in particular on FFO? (You don't have to state names)

I don't really no really....

13. Was there ever a time that you wanted to leave FFO and why?

No, I just got here....


14. Do you take breaks from FFO?

No, I just got here....same as before....


15. What makes you stay on FFO? Is it friends? Writing? Other?

I just got here, Its a fun place to wright without my sisters yellin their heads off at me for what I write, and stuff like that.


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