
by stanleyunique
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**Lyrics are in italics**

The thunder and the rain, I called you and you came

She groaned in frustration. How could he just walk away from her like he did? Sure, she understood that he was upset and angry, but she had called him here to talk, not to immediately be cast aside without so much of an explanation. She didn't understand him. Not at all.

She licked her lips and looked out of the window. The rain had continued and, in fact, worsened. She knew that the way things looked on the outside reflected the mess that had happened on the inside. His frustration, his anger, her lies, her betrayal. It was a complete and utter disaster.

She slowly walked around the dining room, trying to figure out whether or not she needed to force him to communicate with her. She was trying to figure out whether she should give him an explanation for her actions. He deserved it, right? He deserved to know why she had stepped out on him. He deserved to know whether or not it was because of him or her own selfish reasons. She didn't want to leave him in the dark. She refused to.

We didn't need to say much to communicate

After quite some time she had finally decided that she'd much rather plead her case and let him know what was going on. Even if he didn't want to hear what was on her mind, they had to communicate, right?

But, when she stepped into the bedroom, she saw him sitting on the bed leaning over. His hand was placed on his forehead as though he was in deep thought and he looked conflicted. She did this to him. She certainly did hate herself for making him feel this way.

She remained quiet as she leaned against the door. She looked in his direction and, again, played with her fingers. Where was the communication now? She was rendered speechless. Suddenly, she had become nervous. What would he say or do if he saw her in the bedroom that that the two of them shared? Would he hurt her? Would he call her names? Anything would do, as long as they could speak to one another.

She stepped forward, her heels clicking against the hardwood floor causing him to look up and turn in her direction. His eyes...they bore into her. He let out an audible sigh and raked his fingers through his hair in frustration but he never looked away from her. She took that as her cue to step forward, to get closer to him. Would he let her?

Surprisingly, he didn't stop her or tell her to get out of the room. He did, however, scoot to the side. Was that an action allowing her to sit on the bed next to him? She decided to take a chance and lowered herself onto the bed.

I really want to tell you something, this is just the way I am

I really want to tell you something, but I can't...

There was complete silence between the both of them. What was she going to say to him? How could she put what she had done in words? She knew that he was already on the verge of kicking her out. His words earlier had hinted that, he wanted her out. She had to be careful with her words. If she said the wrong things, it'd only anger him more then their relationship would be over for sure. She was walking on thin ice. She had to be cautious.

Baby please, don't light that cigarette

Don't light that cigarette

He eyed her for a moment before reaching towards the nightstand. He opened the drawer and pulled out a secret stash of cigarette's. Her eyes widened. He had recently claimed that he had quit smoking. Why was he doing it now all of a sudden? It was becoming harder to understand him or their situation. He didn't even look in her direction as he grabbed a lighter from his pocket and lit the cigarette. He drew in a deep breath, then released it into the air. Smoke flowed freely from him.

She was in disbelief. She couldn't believe that...what she had done had made him go back to such a bad habit of his. She felt extremely horrible. She was to blame for all of this. She reached out to grab his wrist, preventing him from the next long drag of his smoke. She didn't want him to kill himself because of...her.

"Don't touch me anymore." He roughly grabbed her hand and moved it from his wrist. He took another deep puff. "You no longer have the right to touch me. Not after what you did." He retorted. "You lost that right the moment you told me you cheated."

"I know, but--"

"I don't even want you anywhere around me. Why the hell are you here? Why are you around me? What, is your sideline not avaliable tonight for you to be with him? I guess I'm the only option tonight, huh? Or are there others I haven't found out about?" He spat as he quickly took another long drag of the cigarette.

Every word you say finds a home in me

Nothing that anyone could ever say could hurt me like this.

She clutched her chest at his words. He had completely surprised her. She didn't understand. One minute he allowed her into the room that they had shared and let her sit near him, the next he was pushing her away and saying that she should go and be with another man. She knew he was in pain because of her, but did he need to say such words? Did he not understand that she loved him more than anything in this world and that she had only had a moment of weakness.

Speechless. She was rendered speechless again. He had a right to say such things, he was hurt, right? So why was she so upset now?

Arguments that have no meaning, this is just the way I am

You really want to tell me something but you can't...

He turned to her. Maybe he had crossed the line. Was it right for him to throw her actions back into her face? Sure he was angry. She had cheated on him and his feelings were so conflicted. What should he do? Should he embrace her, hug her, and whisper that he still loves her? Does he push her away, call her names, and kick her out of the house? Does he do the same to her in order to make her understand how he feels? Would he feel guilty and be upset?

He couldn't help but think about her feelings, too. The entire time he had been in the room, he was trying to understand her, understand her actions. She could have continued to have the secret. She could have continued the affair and the number of men she was with could have increased, but she told him. Why? Did she love him that much? Did she care about him? Did she feel guilty and remorseful? He'd give anything to understand her.

He crushed the cigarette into its ash tray and covered his face in his hands.

Now it's different, ninety-nine percent is misinterpreted.

The silence between the two of them was awkward. Neither one knew how to approach the situation. Was he supposed to apologize for lashing out at her while being angry? Was she supposed to drop to her knees and beg his forgiveness? His was misunderstood. She was misunderstood. Both of their emotions at the moment was so foreign to the other and neither one of them knew how to act.

She sighed and finally reached over to grab his hand, uncovering his face. She scanned his eyes for anything--for a hint of emotion that showed her that he still loved her. He refused to look at her. He refused to speak. He knew he'd say something to make the situation worse.

She opened her mouth to say something, but decided against it. Right now...maybe it'd be best to keep quiet. When he was ready to speak, he'd do so, and she'd be right there to listen to him before she explained herself.

I really want to tell you something, this is just the way I am

I really want to tell you something, but I can't

You make me want to be a man.


**If you don't understand, basically she wants to be a man to understand his feelings better so she can approach the situation better. Sorry if I didn't portray the message well**



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flowersea  on says:
this is really great I LOVE IT

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