Mission : Earth No.2

by Rijouku
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Mission : Earth No.2 - fantasy - chapter image


" We need to form a special team ! " It was Marry's Smith loud voice near the main meeting table.
" Miss.Smith, we can't make things faster." With serious voice the Mayor Harold Maild shut her down.
" I think it's time to vote..." started talking troops sergeant Tai Ling " I think we can send one team for this mission ! Who is with me lift your hands!" three people of five lifted their hands " great ".
Quickly in short time there were formed a team of volunteers and criminals - thirty people. 
" Get ready to fly " Tai Ling's deep and strict voice echoed .
" We will probably die before reaching the planet " laughed boy with blue eyes. After his words girl that sat next to him started breathing heavily , she looked pale from the fear.
" If you're scared of death,why you're flying?" he scanned her " you don't look like criminal ...so why you volunteered if you're scared? " after his words she frowned and kept being silent. " As I see...I won't attain the answer..."
" You're scaring her " the guy in front of them , turned at the guy.
" I was just joking " the blonde guy laughed and laid back and suddenly he hit back to the front.
All travelers started to hear loud whir ,the space ship went up to the sky and more...
" Where the hell are we? " guy with glasses shouted from the first line
" How do we know? We know much as you do! Here are no windows to look! " another guy from the twelve line shouted back
" Well...after all my calculations we should be there after six hours , but if it has great  gravitation and if we will continue to fly in the same speed...  the dangerous radio rates from Saturn and Jupiter can damage us and we can reach the earth no.2 in three hours !" the smart guy started to talk...he even looked like a geek from his clothing style.
" What do you mean after three hours? You said after six at first?" the red haired girl didn't understood.
" It means that it will damage us right to the source and we will fall " the guy answered normally.
" Someone shut him down or I will! " the bald guy with tattooed head stood up.
" If he's right we should keep sitting with our safety belts,so sit down!" the brown haired girl that was sitting next to the smart guy defended him.
" Ben, will we survive...the fall?" another girl from his other side questioned him.
" I don't know...let's pray that this space ship is firm..." 
All their words were recorded by military air force.
" Here are the analyzes " Tai Ling buddy brought some papers
" Oh shit! That dumb head was right..." he hit his right fist to the iron table... " Ben... " he looked to all people files " Ben Milton 20 years old kid... from other hand ... the young scientist ....he wanted to finish his university like normal student,but as how I see ... his curious mind won, let's pray for him to survive..."
" I..." the girl looked up at the boy ,knowing something will get wrong , her brown eyes caught his cold ,blue eyes , but her whisper made him startle " ...I'm ...scared..." 
The lights turned off and half of the people started to panic.
" No! My safety belt! It unhooked ! " red haired girl shouted " I doesn't lock back!" her eyes were teary from fear.
Someone took her wrist and pushed on his knees ,and hugged her " I won't let go...my safety belt blockaded " he sounded trustful...
" It's good that here are no windows !" Ben shouted ,but no one heard him from the hum.
" It's going to be alright! " the blond guy said these words to the girl who was choking " breath in! " he took her hand to make her feel better.
" Since when Leo is thoughtful? " other blonde guy that was sitting in the front laughed " are you starting to like her? Can you not wait for the freedom? Tsk..." he laughed until his belt unlocked and he flew up with other three guys.
" Why I can't hear them?!" Tai Ling shouted " fix it!" he continued to hit the table . The weird sound started to hear and then screams and loud smash " 
" Sir,  the signal is lost " the military worker said with the loud voice " but they, landed ..."
Tai Ling sighed heavily and loudly his eyes were full of anger...
" Oh..." the red haired girl sighed and stood up " thank you..." she turned at her life saver " I'm Kate"
" Call me Luke" he answered and tried to unlock his belt ,but it was failure ...
Two dead bodies were laying on the blonde guy's laps " nice place " sarcastically he laughed and kicked them down " how do you feel?" he turned at the girl ,but he didn't get the answer . Girl let go of his hand and went to open the door first...her feet touched another earth,she was first human in that planet...
" We can breathe! " others shouted and went out too, they looked around and saw...

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