Upvote Eraser

by MINpark
1 subscribers | 2785 views | Updated | Created
Tags   romance   drama   sad   reallife   truestory   | Report Content

Eraser - romance drama sad reallife truestory - main story image



Olive and James (oc's)


Olive is just another face on the face of Earth.

She lives a normal life and breathes normal air.

Many would say that she has everything laid out for her on a silver platter, but they don't know about her struggles and heartbreaks.

She is the type of girl who falls in love easily, but the ones she falls for never turn out to be the one.

One particular person, she fell for hard...

And now she is trying her best to cure herself of her heartbreak...

But how easy is it going to be if he just keeps popping up everywhere.



Emily Rudd as Olive Zacary





Alex Petyffer as James Ladden






Poster thans to F L I C K E R

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KhadijaMahmood  on says:
Gaah please update.

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