Chapter 18: The Intruders. The Fight. Get Ready for Anything.

by WinnieStar
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Chapter 18: The Intruders. The Fight. Get Ready for Anything. - originalstory anime pokemon ocandcc - chapter image


Chapter 18: The Intruders. The Fight. Get Ready for Anything.


*Whisper whisper* No! They want to listen to me! Huh? Ahem! Previously on Nothing More than a Pokémon Adventure, Xiaoling found someone in her secret place. Turned out not to be the intruder but a son of the previous owner of the house she owns. His name is Takumi or Moon. Not long after they set a plan on the intruders. Xiaoling jumps/walks out finding something.



“What? Of course I’m not! I just need to confirm this. *Inhale* Well. When I tell you the signal, Ash will come out with his pokemon and attack. Then Tonikey and Takumi will come out after when I tell you guys the signal but you sis go behind them and slide into the house. Then press the square like button in the front of the house. You’ll find it, don’t worry.” Xiaoling said as a sign of warning. “Wait. ……. Hmmmm. And wait. NOW!” Xiaoling said jumping out by herself. And there stood in front of her was……….





It can’t be……….. Why would you be here. Go away. Xiaoling thought and stared at the people in front of her. Stay on focus! *shakes head’* “Ahem, um. Who are you? What are you doing?”

A guy that stood out from the others smirked. “Well. I wonder too, (pause) but I’m pretty sure you know.” He emphasized calmly and smoothly while exaggerating ‘you’. “Now, now little Dai. Don’t cry but we will get this place of ours. Oh, don’t cry.” He smirked slightly.

Calm down, calm down. Act innocent and don’t forget the others. “Um. How-how do you know my name?” Xiaoling stuttered.

“Oh, no. You’ve forgotten. How sad but …….(pause AGAIN! GARR! Stop pausing dumb guy. Hey author. Stop talking! But!)  but…………. I don’t care. Min'na kōgeki!” He commanded.


“NO! Tell me why!” Xiaoling shouted in reply. She ran in front of them, holding her arms out in defence of her home and herself. “I wanna know who you are and why!”

“Hmph. How stubborn, no matter what you say Souta, she won’t listen.” A voice called out. They walked out showing a figure of a woman. “What, a stubborn brat. Min’na~!”

“Stop! Elisa, don’t interfere with us.” He commanded. The woman glared and flick a quick glance and turned walking to stand behind him. “Elisa……. *sigh* Xiaoling. Get out of the way!”


“I want to claim back what is ours. That’s all, my brother Takumi or commonly known as Moon. I’m pretty sure you’ve met him, am I not right.”

What to say. Keep the anger and confuse face. “I-I-I- I don’t know~”

“I see. Too bad. Min'na kōgeki!” Elisa shouted again, from behind.

“Elisa, no! This girl has kindly asked something. Now, now little girl we’re just claiming what’s rightfully ours. I know this place has great memories but please move aside for us.”

“YEAH RIGHT! Any fight is better than yours!” Xiaoling called. This was the signal, only that Xiaoling was hoping they noticed. Not so soon a sudden rustle behind them in a bush. Then BAM! A Buziel jumped out landing on one person from the group; creating a small human domino.

“PIKACHU, thunder shock!” a voice shouted and stream of thunders came shooting out from a bush. “Pikachu, not again.” A voice muttered. They came out and it was Ash.

“Ash, that’s fine. Now tell me who you really are.” Xiaoling commanded.

“Oh, how sad, you don’t know us? We’re Team Shadow. Now step aside twerps! (Team Rocket ~ Hey! That’s what we say! Don’t copy!) Ahem. “ 

“Oh dear. Oh dear. They’re now gonna do their motto now.” Xiaoling observed.

“Step Aside. Move Aside!

We’re just the ones that glide along,

 more than your pride!

Surrender and bow to us;

As we’re Team MOON!

Souta! The king of all!

Elisa. The one and only beauty of all roses. Lame! -__-; Xiaoling thought.

Run away or prepare for battle HEY! THAT’S US! WE’RE THE ONES THAT SAYS THAT!! GRR! JAMES!~Team rocket

Team Moon will stay and fight!

For what’s rightfully ours!”

“Lameeeeee……… Where’s team rocket’s motto when you need it?” Xiaoling accused Team Shadow and their motto.

“HOW DARE YOU!” Elisa shouted and the rest of Team Shadow.

“Wow, what a shock, I didn’t know you would say that! Oh! But why does that sound so familiar?” Xiaoling sarcastically pondered a loud. Xiaoling smirked and continued, “Oh, I remember! It’s Team Rocket that we all forgotten about. Now I wonder where they are.”

“Hmph. So, I guess you think they are better than us.” Souta commented. “But, still their just a nuisance, not doing anything right. Always messing about, I bet their boss can’t stand them! Can’t even stand them wrecking their reputation, just sending them to steal Pokémon to send them away from the company.” (wow, that must’ve hurt a lot.)

“Look, as far as I know, you’re just intruding my place! GET OUT!” Another sign, please tell me you heard!

A fire like throw came out. Then wind blew everything, a fierce wind showing no sign of backing off. A fire, from nothing more than a charizard. Still stunned, the charizard with no trainer came down. Showing that it owned the place. Nothing more from brother.

I guess they figured out a second plan by moving around, setting no particular place to be in, leaving Kora near the house, having enough time to get there. Xiaoling thought while faking her shocked confused blank face.

Okay, now I’m impressed. Just stop showing off! TON-NI-KEYY!!  “YO! Looking for me. Hey, been a long time. But now you’re in my bad books now, hey look. Surprise surprise. You’ve met Xiaoling!” A voice jumped out behind Team Moon. That’s the way you enter. The way you make an entrance.

 “Well, well. What do we have here? My, you’ve grown since we’ve met. Am I right?” Souta replied back while smirking.

“Hmph. You just like saying that. But yes, Souta. Souta! Where’s that crush that you love?” HMPH! What do you have to say about that!? Tonikey thought. I really hate it how you betrayed to all of us.

“Now, who may you be talking about, I already have one lover. That’s enough of me.” Souta replied. ARHH! His just too good at come backs. =______= Tonikey thought.

“Now, where are you Kora? Kora!”

“Pffft. You’ve gotta be kidding me.” A voice shouted.

A bright blue ball flew out and rushed towards Team Shadow and hitted with such force making a huge impact. A lucario was now kneeling down and looked up at us. Not kneeling with respect but from what move he had just done and also from jumping out of nowhere in particular. Lucario stood up looking fierce and strong showing no sign of weakness.

Souta looked up from where the voice had come out at first, seeing a shadow. A figure that sat still but also calm. A shinx underneath, standing its ground. “Lucario, meet Souta.”

“Who’s this?”

“Dude, you’ve be kidding me.” The figure jumped down showing Takumi, only that Souta didn’t know. “My, been too long like as if we’ve never had a chance to meet.” No, Takumi! Don’t say anything about you. I know you’re tempted but you don’t want him to know.

“Um. I don’t think we’ve met~”Souta muttered.

“Well, I guess you’ve haven’t but I have. ~~~~~~~~~~” Takumi muttered the last part of the sentence. "Shinx, lucario, get ready. You too Key.” (he had struggle to remember not to call Key->Tonikey)

Souta was suddenly paying attention to Takumi. He muttered something back but only leaving Takumi unmoved and not shocked. Takumi muttered back saying “Only idiots would be stupid to do something that stupid. Pfft. Look, give it up and what’s your deal.”

“Grr,” was all Souta could say before shouting in rage, “Let’s see who the real idiot. One way or the other, we’re getting what is mine! This has always been MINE!”

Team Shadow looked at him only seeing him not sorry for what he had said. “Souta. Is what you said is true?”

“Master, you’ve promise if we’d help you give back something. But~” Team Shadow muttered in unsion.

“GRR! NO YOU LUMP HEAD! I was just lying! What in your right mind would you think I’ll even bother! I was~”

“Men, we’re going. He’s not paying us. Let’s separate our ways and disband Team Shadow forever. I’m tired too, his working us much more than before.” Elisa stated and went off back to the city. Team Shadow watched as she went down the path to the city (but remember, there’s no path but a dirt path. Well not really). They watched as she became smaller in the distance until she was completely gone into the city. Team Shadow stood their ground thinking and left scattering everywhere into the forest leading to the city of Arrowroot, leaving their leader Souta and two others.

“Looks like Souta, you are wrong about Xiaoling and her sister and brother. Seems like you’re off. We’ve told you that our son and daughters aren’t going to cry and not do anything. They are different and seems like you’ve found a new experience.”

“Hmph. Fine but who is he? And the others not, counting your daughters and son.” Souta replied back annoyed.

“Well Xiaoling seemed to have made friends with trainers and ………” The two members of Team Moon said and looked at Takumi. Takumi nodded and said, “And your brother.”

“Hmph, as if, everyone said Takumi is dead.”

“WHAT!” Takumi shouted in rage and shock. “I was never dead! Everyone knew I was alive! They’ve been wrong, no one said I was- Xiaoling then how did you know-?”

“^-^ Don’t be shock! Clara and Chen told me when I was young! And a while ago they confirmed it! I was so happy that you weren’t dead! That was when I was young, I thought I could know another person and play with them. Only realising I had to keep it a secret….” Xiaoling grinned but whispered the last part. Everyone laughed at her. “What?! I was only a kid back then only wanting to have fun.”

“HAHA! Then I guess my parents lied about everything. Good thing I ran away after getting bored. I’ve heard that my parents died, right?”

The two members nodded same as Souta. “But it’s nice to see you again.”

“Wait a minute, what are you guys doing here? (?-?) I thought you guys left and died or something.”

“Well that’s nice. I thought you we’re going to come and cry!” The lady said.

“Why would I? I’ve never accepted it and plus, I found my way to life without you guys. :) No offence.”

“None taken.” Her brother, sister (who both got on of what was happening) and her parents (you know the two members).

“Umm. Can someone please explain?” Ash asked coming from behind with Brock and Dawn.

“Well, basically.”

“ASH!! Were you even listening? Those two are brothers.” Dawn explained.  -____-

“And those two are her parents.” Brock added.


“How was the fight?”

“Huh? That was fun until it got really dangerous and they stopped and told us to watch.” Brock answered.

“AND be careful.” Dawn added.

Xiaoling nodded. “Well, who wants to continue the tour?” They looked up at her in confusion and then remembered. They nodded and started again.







So  as you can see its already at its end!

im just need to add the last chap then the additional (not-written yet) chaps

add the end characters, from the WHOLE story

yes even those from the start.

now heres the problem im thinking

"i wanna write more! theres so much to write!"

but im not sure im also cant be bothered as im already been in the middle of another story

thats not finished which i started from the start of the year! yay! -___-? yay? wha?

no im too excited since i havent read it for soooooooooooooo long

im also at a part i dont know much and im only a chap 5(not finshed writing)

but i hope i can do something soon

^-^ @o@ *0* =__= T-T


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coffeeplease  on says:
this is good lol

Fantasy  on says about chapter 1:
Isn't this confusing to you?
If a person didn't know what Pokemon is I mean
But then again
Who doesn't know Pokemon?

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