21st Century Teaching and Learning

by firemoth_007
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21st Century Teaching
and Learning



1. What is your individual philosophy of teaching and learning and how it affects your use or non-use of technology in the 21st century learning environment?

My philosophy in teaching and learning is the same: whatever method works, use it. And so, in terms of using technology, I use it a lot to learn things. If I can find it online or do it online, I would rather stay at home in front of my laptop than do it any other way because in all honesty, I am comfortable doing school related work online. In teaching however, it is more limited because teaching requires a certain amount of interaction with your students. Especially in my major which focuses on the early grades, the use of technology should be limited to showing videos, playing audio and other things. The teaching itself remains old school. But when it comes to lesson plan preparation and material gathering, technology is still my best friend.

2. What do you think are the essential conditions and best practices for technology integration in education?

The essential condition for technology integration is first the mastery of the teacher of the said technology. We can't really use something that we are not fully knowledgeable on. Second, there must be equaliy in access to said technology. Every child must get an equal oportunity and benefit from using the technology. The best practice would be the teacher sampling whatever material they are using before letting the students use it in the classroom, allowing every child to use it during class hours.

3. What are the influences of media technology (1) in your personal life; (2) as a student; and (3) as a future teacher?

In my personal life, media technology helps me communicate with other people. I find information and friends using media technology. I also express myself to a wider audience using media technology. I could say that my life wouldn't be the same without it and there are many people that I wouldn't have met and become really close friends with, had I not met them through the internet.

As a student, I use media technology in research. It makes school work easier and more efficient. I have been so used to having media technology helping me do school work that imagining life without it would be close to impossible.

As a future teacher, media technology also helps me further my reading and researching on ways to effectively teach lessons. You can readily find sample lesson plans and activities in the internet that you can adapt or base your own from. I also can see myself using videos from youtube and other online materials to teach in the future.

4. How do you plan integrate media technology in your future classroom?

I plan to teach in kindergarten when I finish my course. In my future classroom, I plan to use videos and audio materials to promote different kinds of learning. I would also like to use interactive websites and programs, and share them to the parents of the children so as to aide their learning even when they are outside the classroom.


layout by firemoth_007










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