How inspiring. . .not!

by snowflakes  
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Ugh! I'm pissed off. My mom just told me that  my friends and I aren't going be selected for the dance club we are trying join. Just because I've spent a bit  money for  the transportation (in order I can go to the mall where she was waiting) it is not very necessary to tell me something like that.

We're on the car on our way to our house and I'm tired so I decided to tell her how i have to a quiet long walk just to make it on the mall. Then, she just started lecturing me (i know she is worried about me) but out of nowhere she began telling me "Why are you making an effort to practice in your friend's house if going there will cost you expensive? You are not going to be selected anyway"

I'm just like, "Wow, I appreciate how supportive you are mom. Thanks!" Of course it was only in my mind or else I'll earn myself another ten years of lecture and a nasty slap. Its just unfair, my mom lets my sister to join some pageant or contests in her school and be all supportive and will take time to look for my sister's clothes she needs. But me, I don't even need to wear costumes, I spent only a couple of money not a hundred let alone a thousand. I'm really annoyed how she could just slap that into my face and discourage me.



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