
Joined on Jun 14, 2013
Last login on Nov 8, 2013
502 karma pts

“Dying inside”


Personal Message

Yo. I specialize in writing bdsm smut okay don't evpect anything too sweet from me unless it happens.

This username was a one time mistake kill me now or give me a watermelon.

I wont change it hell no 500 Karma points, I don't like my past and I'm living with it over my head, you better believe I can live with this.


My tumblr

Alternate Fanfic account

About Me


IDK what I'll post here. I guess I'll alternate with this and my account on another website.

I like to write.

That's why I'm here.

l Iike Homestuck

I'll be using this account for stuff like, Supernatural, Sherlock, Doctor Who, and other things with real people Fan fics or not, maybe I'll put those on my alternate FanFic account.

Just cuz my username is a "Fracking Fail" it doesn't mean my stories are. This username was a one time mistake please kill me if I ever use it again.

Basically, I like BDSM.









✓The word Electric



✓Anything Evil Cuz Evil is Sexy



Thanks for Going through my Bio.

Bye bye.


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