
Nov 10 (31 yrs old)
Joined on Oct 20, 2012
Last login on Feb 10, 2013
5020 karma pts

“William Beckett needs to stop being a prettier girl than I am”


Personal Message

I'm an English major. But proofreading is my mortal enemy. Go figure.

About Me

My goodness, let's see. I'm Lauren, I'm twenty. I'm old.

Anyways, I write a crap ton of fanfiction, I literally have notebooks filled with them back home, but I've never exactly put them anywhere. I prefer to write plays anyway, seeing as I always add way too much diaglogue to my fanfics.

Here's my personal tumblr, because it's pretty great. http://moves-like-townshend,tumblr.com

Aaaand here's my roleplay account for Peter Pettigrew. He's pretty great, too. http://peterfuckinpettigrew.tumblr.com

I also play Barnabas Cuffe. He's an ass. http://off-the-cuffe.tumblr.com

Basically, I spend all of my time on tumblr.

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