Joined on Mar 2, 2014
Last login on Mar 21, 2014
“kurokocchi. :3”

Personal Message
For those who come across my profile. I welcome you with open arms and oreo cookies.
About Me
I think I'm alone, can you be my friend?
Look guys, it's not that hard to get along with me. As long as you're cool with me, I'm fine with you. I love a lot of things tbh. I'm multi-fandom too. Like, hardcore Potterhead and Demigod over here. I read Rainbow Rowell books too, and I think she's amazing. I'm also a k-pop fan and I find B.A.P anf Bigbang to be awesome artists. Although EXO's Chen is my ultimate bias. I love anime, but I can't really say I'm an otaku. I just love watching English subbed animes on my free time. I watch Kdramas too and right now, I'm watching Dream High 2 and The Heirs. Awesome drama guys, better go watch them. I also like oreos obviously, and I love Disney movies too. The old ones tho, but I do like Frozen. I listen to a lot of music, mostly kpop, but right now I like One Direction's album Midnight Memories and Rihanna's "What Now". I like pandas because they aren't rasicts. They're black, white and asian. I also like wolves, and you can imagine how ecstatic I was when I heard about EXO's Wolf. I get excited almost over every little thing that can make me feels explode.
Jenaina. 14. Somewhere in Unicorn land with Laynicorn.
Kpop fan - Baby, EXOtic, VIP, Inspirit,
Demigod. Potterhead. Tribute.
Belieber. Lovatic. Directioner.
Him | Her | Them | Him | Them | Him
To whoever read this until the end,
Thank you.
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