Chapter 1

by MayuHaru
Tags   romance   friendship   fiction   comedy   | Report Content

Chapter 1 - romance friendship fiction comedy - main story image


The cameras flashed as soon as she appeared in the airport. She flashed a smile to everyone, even though she was tired, and signed a couple of autographs. She left the crowded airport with the help of the bodyguards there. Outside she was greeted by a warm welcoming.
"Dora!" she heard her name, and upon seeing who was calling her she ran up to them and hugged them.
Her family was waiting for her, all of them with huge smiles on their face. After a quick greet, because fans were starting to exit the airport, she sat on the back seat, next to her younger brother, and they drove away.
She was looking outside the window during the ride, feeling nostalgic as they've gotten closer to the place she spent most of her life in. She was reminded of her friends, wondering what happened with them.
Dora. Who is Dora some may ask? A worldwide star now, but a simple girl in the past. You probably wonder more about the star girl, but to understand her behavior you must hear about the simple girl. She was never too loud, too pushy or too bossy. People loved her dearly and were happy to have her as their friend. She was cheerful, charming and lots more. Her friends might give you a better idea to her, but this is all you need to know for now.
She moved to USA at the age of 15. She was accepted in an art school, one of the best there was, and had to leave all she knew to move there. She debuted 4 and a half years later, swiping everyone off their feet. It didn't take long for her to become on of the top stars there was. The star's life is usually filled with scandal, affairs and rumors. But there really wasn't much of that in the past, apart from maybe a smaller rumor that wad quickly thrown away by herself. She was always charming and polite, just like she was raised, so obviously there were no scandals.
Dora was walking on the sidewalk, wearing jeans, a black t-shirt that had some funny print on it, with a thin white shirt over it. She had black Converses on her feet, that completed the look. She left her long hair fall freely over her shoulders and her back. She had only her phone in her pocket, which made her think of the old days when she used to go out with her friends.
People recognized her, but she seemed in a rush, so they didn't want to bother her. She stopped in front of open red gates, that led to a parking lot, and then a small path to the school.
She walked towards the school slowly, taking in the changes. She reached the first windows, and the other kids, that were having Biology, got a shock when they saw her. She looked up at them and smiled, making everyone go crazy. The professor looked out of the window, and Dora's heart skipped a beat, because she knew him. He changed a bit in those years she hadn't seen him. She waved at him, receiving a wave back. She wondered if he even knew who she was.
She then looked at the windows for the younger kids, because it would be tiring to wave at everyone in the classrooms up there, and she suddenly stopped. A smaller figure stood in the classroom, with her golden hair casually thrown on her back. She was talking to the kids slowly and explaining their new lesson. She looked outside for a second, probably in a habit, but she looked back immediately after. A smile appeared on her lips as the blonde gave the kids their task ans hurried outside.
Dora had already reached the hall when the figure ran towards her and gave her a bear hug.
"Dora! Oh my God! It's been so long! I didn't know you were coming, I mean I heard on the TV you're coming to Croatia, but I didn't know you're coming here." she blabbered and Dora laughed at her.
"You have grown." Dora said, almost sounding like a proud mother.
"Uh-uh, told you so." the other one replied, the way she used to when they were younger.
Dora observed the figure. She was about 155 cm tall, which was taller than she expected. She was still skinny, but not as much like she was back in school. Her golden hair got longer and seemed softer. She was wearing a blue sweater with white t-shirt under it, and dark jeans.
"I wanted to see the school again. I missed it over the years." Dora said with a nostalgic smile.
"Go around, greet some professors along. I have to get back though. Let's meet for a coffee sometime, huh?" Lucija smiled, and Dora nodded in agreement.
She walked inside after Lucija, but instead of entering a classroom, she waved goodbye to her friend and went upstairs. She felt a lump in her throat as she saw all the changes that happened. She thought about the professors here. Half of the ones she knew were probably retired. Others have changed. She knew life is full of changes, but when they all hit you at once, it's hard to put up a shield of sort.
She wandered a bit around the school, taking it all in. Then she stopped in front of one of the classrooms, that served for Geography. A faint smile appeared on her lips when she heard a single voice from the classroom. All the memories of her classes in there played in her head. She stepped away, trying to clear her mind. She was supposed to be happy, but instead, she felt as if crying. She was startled by the bell ringing, signalizing the end of the class. The students walked outside, and then most of them started yelling from excitement. Dora couldn't pay attention to all of them, but she could look at the professors. She wad greeted cheerfully by Geography teacher, Croatian language teacher, Biology teacher and Chemistry teacher. They all chatted with her for a short while, before having to continue with their work. And Dora decided she should be going too.
Author's note: Hey! So, here's the first chapter :3 Thanks for checking out the story! I hope you like it, and that you think it's worth reading. I'll post another chapter soon. Until then!
P.S. Sorry for any grammar errors. I write this story on my phone, and plus, English is not my first language. I hope it won't bother you too much :)


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