Upvote Just One Butterfly

by CelesteSong
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Tags   thor   love   comedy   originalcharacter   loki   asgard   | Report Content

Just One Butterfly - thor love comedy originalcharacter loki asgard - main story image



Loki, OC, others


Hello, Darling.
If you were given the chance to go back in time and change the future, would you?
Have you ever heard of the Butterfly effect?
In chaos theory, the Butterfly Effect is the sensitive dependecy on initial conditions in which a small change at one place in a deterministic nonlinear system can result in large differences in a later state.
(Thank you, Wikipedia.)
 Just one minor change could change everything we thought we knew.
Would you take that chance?
Well, that's why we have a little thing called "fiction."
Hello, Darlings! My name is Celeste, and I will be your new fanfiction writer this evening.
(Well, it's actually 10:30 p.m. for me. I should be sleeping... Lol nope.)
Don't worry, the thing I said above has meaning. It will actually be the basis for this story.
To start out, I would like to say a few things about myself.
1) I am a better oneshot writer than long stories.
2) The longest story I've written was 24 chapters.
3) My current obsession is Thor: The Dark World/ Loki's character development.
4) My writing is not that grand. I am better at other things, but my friend likes my writing.
5) I need to get back into writing. I've been lazy.
6) I don't do Mature writing/M rated stories. Don't ask me.
7) I do possibly take requests.
8) Bare with my writing cause I add unnecessary words a lot in sentences.
9) ... I just forgot what nine was cause my sister's cat distracted me.
10) I hope you like my writing, and I appreciate feedback. 
11) PLEASE. Please please please, write a comment when you finish reading a story/chapter.
12) It really makes my day.
Ok, sorry for making that long. Just one more thing: I like my original characters.



***Edit: Something I forgot to mention about this story!***
This story is going to be a dump for random scenarios between Azure and Loki.
I really hope you fall in love with my OC. I know it's annoying when people place their own characters in, and it's just terrible. I have fallen in love with other people's OCs before, and I hope you do the same with Azure.
 Named for the color of her eyes when she was born.
Since then, her eyes have changed to a bright shade of green. 
Though every now and then, her eyes would change back for moments at a time.
Azure would rather be reading and studying about different creatures, then practicing her combat with the rest. She has lived peacefully and sees no need to learn how to harm another.She isn't prideful about her status. Very polite and quiet. Some have never been graced with her voice. Those who have say it's like sitting by a peaceful stream and listening to the water.
Many women envy her outward beauty, but she sees nothing special about outward appearance.
(Not my picture.

Before Thor went to Jotunheim and was banished.
The innocent Loki with more interest in magic than battle. 
A trouble maker with a silver tongue to get out of it.
Always wanted to be Thor's equal instead of the black sheep of the family.
He is very quiet about his feelings, if he has any.
He loves his mother dearly, but still isn't open to her about most things.


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applecyanide  on says about chapter 3:
Ahah, this is funny. I comment, and then I see you updated. Okay, so this is getting interesting. Hey, in just wondering. Could there possibly be a love triangle in the future? Oh wait, no. More like love square? Since there's that Fandlar guy too...Oh, and you go girl! Show him what you got, Azure!

applecyanide  on says about chapter 2:
Loki, omg. Of course, he's th god of mischief after all. Hmmm and you said you want some prompts? Okay...how about: In which the two become lost, and Azure blames Loki. Or: Azure attends Loki's birthday ceremony, but a princess from another land starts to become a bit too /chummy/ with Loki. Azure is (not) jealous.

applecyanide  on says about chapter 1:
Hah, this is cute! Oh, and thanks for subscribing to my story. That really surprised me (in a good way of course). Can't wait for the next update ;)

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