by addictivestorm
Tags   romance   drama   original   love   sliceoflife   family   | Report Content


"Allison, sweetie." My mother called from me from the hospital bed, her voice hoarse and weak. It was her third month staying at the hospital since she became ill. There had been no warnings and the doctors feared that she wouldn't get better. "Do you mind getting me something to eat from the cafeteria?"
"I don't mind," I replied with a small smile. I loved my mother, and I would do anything for her, but seeing her so weak -so helpless- it made me frustrated. The only thing I could do for her was fetch her food and something to drink from the hospital cafeteria.

"Here you go, Allison." The cashier, Sarah, handed me my change. I had been coming down to the hospital cafeteria everyday ever since I had found out my mother was sick, and I refused to leave without her. Eventually, the nurses gave up on trying to send me home. I shot her a smile before grabbing the tray of food; salad, a bowl of soup, and a cup of tea.

As I walked down the hallway, everything seemed more hectic. Doctors and nurses were running around and I had to dodge out of the way of a nurse who seemed oblivious to me. What was going on?
Just then, my mom's doctor rushed down the hallway. "Doctor Roberts!" I called and he turned around, his face a mask of worry. "What's going on?"
Before he could explain, a voice echoed throughout the halls. "Doctor Roberts, you're needed in room 315. Doctor Roberts, you're needed in room 315."

Room 315? That was my mom's room! He spun on his heel and ran down the hallway. Dropping my tray of food, I rushed after him. I should've felt bad for leaving a mess for the janitor to clean up, but I was more worried about my mother.

Doctor Roberts had beat me to her room and had shut the door. I tried the doorknob, but it was locked. I had to stand on the tips of my toes to peak through the small window on the door, only to catch a glimpse of doctors and nurses huddled around my mother's bed.
No! My heart dropped to my stomach as I spotted the cardiac monitor my mom was hooked up on. Her heartbeat was slowing.

Quickly, I tore my gaze away. My eyes began to sting as I tried to force the tears back without much luck. I hadn't realized that I had been holding my breath. I began panting heavily as I leaned against the wall. Sliding down, I sat on the floor, bringing my knees to my chest. Something was happening in the next room; something horrible. The last thing I remembered before I blacked out, was the sound of the door opening and Doctor Robert's concerned voice.


"Allison? Allison, can you here me?"
My eyes fluttered open to see Doctor Roberts standing over me.

 "Good, you're alright." He seemed almost relieved that I had finally opened my eyes. Alright? My mother was dying, how could I be alright!
"You have been out for at least an hour. There was nothing I, or any of the other doctors, could do to save your mother. I am truly sorry."

At that moment, if felt like my whole world came crashing down. My mind started buzzing and I felt numb. My vision blurred and I couldn't hear anything else that the doctor was saying anymore. Blood pounded heavily in my ears. All of a sudden, I started sobbing. Sobbing uncontrollably. How could this happen? It was only about an hour ago that my mother had asked me to get her something to eat.

My mother, Trisha Price- the strongest women I knew, was dead. I didn't even know what to do. Without my mom, I had no one. My mother's parents had died when I was young and I didn't have any known family members other than my dad and I had no idea who or where he was. I was alone.


"Miss Price?"
I looked up to see a nurse standing hesitantly nearby. My eyes stung, but I had promised myself that I wouldn't cry anymore. No matter how much I missed my mom. "Please," I said. "Call me Allison."
The nurse simply nodded. "There's a lady here to see you."
Someone here to see me? There wasn't anyone I knew in Edmonton, that would come to see me right now.

The nurse moved aside as a pregnant woman walked over. I could tell by her puffy eyes that she had been crying too.
"Allison, right? I'm Linda Miller, I was a close friend of your mother's before she moved from BC."
Linda Miller. I had heard about her. Apparently I had quite a few play dates as a baby with her three sons. How she was able to travel from BC to while being pregnant astonished me. Especially with the size of her swollen abdomen.

I nodded in response. I felt that if I spoke, I might crack and burst into tears again.
"My you have grown. I remember when you were just a baby," she told me with a sad smile. "I wish your mother could've brought you out to visit as you grew older, but I understand her reasons."
Reasons? Reasons for what?

I assumed she saw my confused look, as she let out a nervous laugh. "I'll explain it all on the plane."
"Plane?" I echoed quietly. I was surprised that I had managed to find my voice without the tears.
"Yes," she said as she met my gaze. Her eyes began to water, but I could tell she was holding them back. "Trisha phoned me a week ago. She didn't think she would make it, I told her she would, but she insisted that if she didn't that you were to live with me and my family."
Live? I didn't even know this woman! Yes, I heard about her and she knew me when I was younger, but she was a stranger to me yet.
"The plane leaves tomorrow morning. We will go back to your house and pack your things. I'll tell you about myself and my family on the plane."




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