
by cray_zehgbaby
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The warm sunlight tickled your nose as you lay asleep in you room. You were having a good dream, for the first time in a number of years. There were no worries or cares in your life right now, only the desire to sleep like royalty. A sudden knock on your door threatened your peaceful dreams. “Seimera, I’m going to work.” Sylvia said creaking the door open. You opened one eye to look at her. Her blurry blob of a body confused you. “Aaron called a driver to take you to school today. So, just tell them the name of your school…” she said. You nodded and snuggled back under your plush Paramore comforter.

“Have a great day.” Sylvia said sarcasm stinging in her voice. “You too, witch.” You say before processing anything. Sylvia giggled and left the room. You still hated her for how she treated you. Two years of kindness doesn’t make you for 10 years of torture. Unable to go back to sleep, you decided to put together your outfit for today.  You threw yourself out of the bed and towards the closet. You scanned over all of your outfits. “Hmmm… today is my first day at this school…” You said shuffling through your closet. You didn’t wanna stand out too much, but you wanted to stay true to yourself.

You decided on a basic band tee and some dark blue skinnies. That started another war inside your head… “Which tee do I wanna wear?” you asked. This was the worst moment of your new life. You reached at random and pulled out two shirts. One with Peirce the Veil and the other with Bring me the Horizon. You love Vic, but you love Oliver so much more. You put the Peirce the Veil shirt back in its place. Moving quickly into the bathroom, you turned on the shower and took care of your morning routines. After coming out of the bathroom, you polished your nails using some cool stickers you got from Aaron.

After that was done, you went down stairs and greeted your “stepfather” in the kitchen.  “Good morning, Aaron.” You said sitting across from him at the counter. “Morning, Seimera.” He said with his thick accent before taking a sip of his coffee. “What’s for breakfast?” you asked. He shrugged. “Grab something on the way to school. Marah won’t be her ‘til ten o’ clock” You nodded and looked in the fridge for a yogurt. There was nothing. “Tell Marah I want yogurt, please?” Aaron nodded, but never looked at you. A horn honked outside the huge house. “That must be the driver. Do hurry.” He said.

You grabbed your jacket and backpack. Rushing out the door, you noticed a lady with cleaning supplies coming up the path, so left the door open. She nodded her head at you as you past her and you flashed a light smile at her. A young boy about your age stood holding the back door open for you. You slowed down a bit.

Does he see me?

You asked peaking around your favorite black rose bush. His head turned slightly and he looked at you out of the corner of his eye. You ducked back behind the bush, your heart pounding in your chest as you took a deep breath. You heard the path crush behind you before the unsettling feeling of eyes on you. “Ms. Quincy…?” a calm voice asked. You took a deep breath and turned around to see the boy from the car.  “Are you alright?” the guy asked looking at you kind of odd. You nodded while trying to think of an excuse. “My jacket got caught on a thorn from the bush.”  He smiled and held out a hand.

You looked at him for a second before hesitantly taking his hand. He led you to the car and helped you in closing the door after you settled in. The car drove off after he took his place in the passenger’s seat. “Where would you like to go Ms. Quincy?”

I wanna go…

To Saint Bonaventure High, please.

Uh, Pacific View Mall, sir.

Take me to Hollywood, Jeeves!


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