Upvote i'm the forgotten

by heyarsebutt
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Tags   drama   harrystyles   louistomlinson   life   | Report Content

i'm the forgotten - drama harrystyles louistomlinson life - main story image



I wish I'd been a prom queen...

      The words surrounded the faceless female figure on the wall. I felt my sadness slipping away as I put the finishing touches on my work of art. Not everyone appreciated a good tag, but I did. I suppose that is why I was on the fringes of society. I tended to gravitate towards things that were not socially acceptable. My knuckles spelled out the words hate and hope; words that defined who I was. Much like the city walls, my skin was also my journal. It was the place where I put my deepest thoughts. "Wow, that's deep." someone said from behind me. I spun around. I took in the strange person who shared the night with me. Under my mask I gave a pleased side grin. 

     "Glad you think so," I replied. I started to pack up my items. I made made it 21 years with not being hit on in an alley, and I intended to keep the streak going. I started to walk away, taking notice if the person was still following me.

     "I'm Louis," he said catching up to me. I remained quiet. I wasn't in the mood to humor this guy. "Um...I know who you are." I gave him a look, as my hand rested on the pocket that held my mace.  "Oh, we live in the same building. You're Chaerin's roommate right?" He asked. I gave a slight sigh of relief. He may know who my roommate was, but that didn't mean he wasn't a pervert. "What are you doing out here so late?" He asked. I figured this guy wasn't going to shut up. I closed my eyes and counted to ten. For some strange reason this guy was starting to bug me. I saw the apartment complex in my sites. I smiled a toothy smile under my mask. I quickened my pace. I wasn't really paying attention to the Jay character anymore. My soft, comfortable bed was calling to me. I started to climb the fire escape. "What are you doing?" He asked. I scuffed.

     "I'm going home. What does it look like I'm doing?" I asked. He gave a small shrug and a smile.

     "Something different. I'll see you tomorrow," He said giving me a wave. I headed towards my room window perplexed. He was odd. My mind recalled all the questions he had been asking me. They were not weird pervert styled questions, but ones you asked someone you were trying to become friends with. I snorted at the thought of him and I becoming friends. I got a sense that he was not someone I could relate to.  
     I walked to my apartment the normal way. I shook my head and smiled to myself. She was different. Not only did she ignore me the entire time, but she went up the fire escape. I wasn't sure if I was offended or impressed at the action. I figured that I was more impressed than offended. She had to think of her safety after all. I tried to convince myself that she wasn't ignoring me, but rather trying not to get taken advantage of. She wasn't just someone who would fall into the arms of any random stranger. I lazily took off my shoes, and climbed into bed. I had only went out to get a pack of smokes, but I had finally talked to you. I was pleased with myself. Yes, I had only been crushing on this girl for the past three years. 

This story will [hopefully] be updated every Saturday Night CST.
The main characters are You, Louis, and Harry.
This isn't a happy-go-lucky story.
There are scenes of rape, abuse, and other things that may be disturbing to you.
I do not think that rape or abuse is a funny issue, and have respect for those who have lived through it.
Catch it on AFF
 here .
Comments, criticism, and subscriptions are welcomed. 



No foreword posted.

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IFeelGood  on says:
love the design of this story, how long does it take to make it?

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