Chapter 1

by ShapeshifterOfWhite
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They stood at the entrance of the most prestigious school in Europe: Jackalo Academy. From the sheer size of the building you would immediately think 'Hogwarts' but, unfortunately, they hadn't been allowed to bring their cat, Felix.
The academy was a castle of black brick with five turrets that shot out of everywhere. Somehow, however, to Colby, the sinister feel seemed welcoming.
"Perfect." Mother smiled as she finished straightening Sofia's tie. The twins, Enlil and Zephyr, mimicked her actions, though it was more of a struggle of who could strangle the other longest without mother noticing. Enlil seemed to be winning.
Tara stared up at the tallest tower. "I hope we don't have to go there." she whispered, her long brown hair tied in pig tails. Colby pulled her close under his arm.
"It'll be fine. At least we're here together. What do we always say? Together as a family..."
"We are strongest." she breathed.
"But you're leaving us..." murmered Sofia, her huge grey eyes beginning to glisten with tears.
Mother stroked her head softly. "I know. I..." Before she could finish, the huge, black doors boomed open.
"Ah! Welcome to Jackalo Academy!" came a voice out of the darkness.
Agni yanked his trousers over his shoes. "Hurry up Dad!!" 
"I'm going as fast as I can!" He mumbled, a piece of toast in his mouth. He, himself, was still in his pajamas.
Maya whacked Agni over the head with her bottle. "You both should have been up on time!" 
"Why hit me?!"
The landscape outside was full of green fields. Grey clouds filled the sky. "I've missed England" Maya sighed. She enjoyed the cold weather, the rain. It was nice and calm. Not irritating. Unlike the idiot brother sitting next to her. 
The family had been apart for month due to work so their parents had decided to send them all to boarding school to be together. 
"They must already be there. Mother sounded quite excited on the phone last night." Agni said as he squirmed into his jumper. Suddenly the car began to pick up speed. Agni leaned towards Maya and whispered, "Supposedly Mum went out with one of the teachers who was friends with Dad." 
Maya frowned,"How do you know that?"
"I saw a picture of the three of them in one of Dad's scarpbooks. They were in the school's uniform."
"So you used your investigative skills?"
He nodded with a grin, "His name's Froi or something"
Enlil and Zephyr
"Froi!" Mum cried happily.
Both Enlil and Zephyr stopped strangling each other.
"Don't like him"
The twins minds had been linked since the moment they were born. They were never apart.
Sofia tugged at their sleeves. "Who is the rainbow man?" she whispered.
"No clue" They said in unison. The man wore a garish, multi-coloured, striped suit and he had dark circles under his eyes, almost as black as his hair. He reminded them of the demon from 'Blue Exorcist'. 
He hugged their Mother tightly. 
"Really don't like him"
"Let's cause him havoc"
"Ellie! It's so good to see you!" He faced the rest, "And these must be the new recruits!" He smiled bitterly. "No Fl..Drake?" He said turning back to Eleanor.
"He's on his way with Agni and Maya. They've been in Italy for awhile"
"Oh? Problems?" He asked intruiged.
"No, work." An engine roared as it speeded up the driveway. "Oh here they are"
The car came to a swirved halt and out stepped the amazing, thrilling Drake! his pajamas.


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