Upvote Infected with Love.

by Mistress
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Tags   romance   school   homosexualism   trouble   reallife   rival   betrayal   | Report Content

Infected with Love. - romance school homosexualism trouble reallife rival betrayal - main story image



Alex Joy [AJ], Elodie [Die], more..


Alex Joy ||

She was a girl who went trough some shit in her short life; stayed original; didn't care much; had people around her, but still felt lonely.

Elodie ||.

She was a girl who had many in her past compared to her age; who was careless; who didn't care about people who were of no importance to her; who had also been through some pretty rough shit. 







Based on a true story.

Coming soon.



Alex Joy || AJ || 16 || The Unique One. 


Elodie || Die || 16 || The Sophisticated One.

The friends [unicorns].

Sam || 16 || The Only Best Friend.

Jessie || 14 || The Troublesome Sister.

Aligator || 12 || The Supporter  [pet].

The enemies [idiots].

Macarena || 16 || The Spanish 'Friend'.

Patrice || 17 || The Betryer.






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