Reallife Fanfiction


by MINpark updated on
Tags: romance drama sad reallife truestory
Chapters: 2 | Subscribers: 1 | Views: 2700 | Comments: 1 |

Olive is just another face on the face of Earth. ... Read More

The Chronicles Of Having Best Friends During Middle School

by byzelo updated on
Tags: angst friendship sad personal schoollife reallife pain
Chapters: 3 | Votes: 1 | Comments: 2 |

... Read More

Crush? [Complete]

by byzelo updated on
Tags: reallife crush idek
Chapters: 1 | Votes: 1 | Comments: 2 |

they love me 'cos i'm hot. they love me 'cos i'm cold. they love me 'cos i'm- who the _____ am i kidding why would anyone love someone like me   ... Read More

My Lifesaver [Complete] [Members Only] [Subscribers Only]

by m_kimvy updated on
Tags: romance oneshot family sad schoollife reallife accident
Chapters: 1 | Comments: 2 |

  Why was I born into this world ?    Do I have the power to make people around me happy?    Although I don't have the confidence. I... Read More

No Use [Complete]

by asiafoweba updated on
Tags: reallife pain sorrow
Chapters: 3 | Comments: 2 |

I've worked hard every second of every day for the past 11 years to become what any parent would want in a daughter or the sibling that every kid wants, but it just seems that no matter what I do... Read More

Set Yourself Free [Complete]

by OhScrewTheName updated on
Tags: oneshot sliceoflife originalstory sad reallife pain bullying
Chapters: 2 | Views: 1975 |

Ansley has been bullied her entire life. She can't take another minute of it, so she sets herself free.... Read More

Anywhere But Here [Complete]

by OhScrewTheName updated on
Tags: oneshot sliceoflife originalstory sad abuse reallife pain
Chapters: 2 | Views: 1900 |

Kylie finds out she has aids and decides to run away from home to get away from her abusive parents.... Read More

Dirty Little Secret [Complete]

by OhScrewTheName updated on
Tags: oneshot sliceoflife originalstory sad personal crack reallife
Chapters: 2 | Votes: 1 | Views: 2150 |

Adam tells his girlfriend his dirty little secret. Oneshot. This is my first story. Please be gentle.... Read More

Why do you Hate me?

by nikkifany updated on
Tags: friendship you originalcharacter reallife bestfriend
Chapters: 2 | Comments: 3 |

    ... Read More

- you affected my life . [Members Only]

by imthatasiankat37 updated on
Tags: romance drama original love sliceoflife reallife roleplay
Chapters: 2 |

hm.. what to do on this ... Read More

My Life Diary

by Shiny125 updated on
Tags: reallife story
Chapters: 1 | Views: 1050 |

I'm just an ordinary girl who got transferred to United States for a better education but who knows that my life is becoming worse day by day without me knowing it...... Read More

The Girl who Makes Memories

by NeonGiraffe updated on
Tags: romance fantasy supernatural reallife twist
Chapters: 1 | Votes: 1 | Comments: 4 |

This wasn't a science known to man. Who ever knew that memories were manufactured by one? It's up to her to produce memories. Whether sorrowful, joyful, jumbled up, or extremely dejavu based... Read More

Him [Complete]

by TheDormouse updated on
Tags: love sliceoflife reallife
Chapters: 1 | Subscribers: 1 | Views: 2300 | Comments: 3 |

A short story that had popped up in my head and that I needed to get rid off.... Read More

very short story [Complete]

by TheDormouse updated on
Tags: sliceoflife lonely reallife short
Subscribers: 1 | Views: 2125 | Comments: 1 |

A story I've written in 2011... Read More

Shortstory [Complete]

by TheDormouse updated on
Tags: sliceoflife reallife pain infertility sadness wish
Chapters: 1 | Views: 1875 | Comments: 1 |

This is a short story that I have written in 2011.... Read More

Infected with Love.

by Mistress updated on
Tags: romance school homo_____ism trouble reallife rival betrayal
Subscribers: 1 | Views: 2300 |

Alex Joy || She was a girl who went trough some _____ in her short life; stayed original; didn't care much; had people around her, ... Read More

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