by HerDearStarlightTear
Tags   romance   friendship   school   elle   | Report Content

II. - romance friendship school elle - main story image



I backed a bit, and was surprised when I found out that I’ve hit the wall with my back. It was very much uncertain when he placed his hand on the left side of my head, cornering me from that side. His gaze never leaving mine.

“Will you…” I gulped as he breathed out the words that he wanted to say.





“Will you help me court Nathalie?”


“Will you help me court Nathalie?”

“Will you help me court Nathalie?”

“Will you help me court Nathalie?”

“Will you help me court Nathalie?”

“Will you help me court Nathalie?”

“Will you help me court Nathalie?”

“Will you help me court Nathalie?”

“Will you help me court ----

Stop! Okay, stop! My mind can’t take it anymore.

Such a stupid jerk. Asking silly questions like that. Pssh. Of course not! My bestfriend’s not suited for a jock like him. She deserve’s someone better!

“Hey! Earth to Elle! What’s wrong with you?” she asked, tilting her head as if she’s curious. I totally got lost in our conversation right now.

“Nothing, what were you saying again?” I grinned at her as she smiled widely at me, cringing her nose as she did that squealing noise all fangirls do when fangirling.

I looked at her with full curiousity. What could have caused this? Another crush she wanted to tell me? Another boy she wants to talk about? Or another scene from her dream?

She pulled me to an empty part of the room and started pulling me down on the floor to sit with her as she leaned in close to my ear and whispered the words that I didn’t want to hear.

“I ship you with Winter.”

I looked at her--- no, I squinted at her. At her very existence. If only she wasn’t my bestfriend, I would have strangled her to bits. But how? How could she ship me if he--- Oh, yeah. She doesn’t know.

I averted my gaze to search for a person in the room as my friend pointed out which direction they were and that Winter was staring at me as Alex smiled.

“Look! He’s looking at you! I’m positive! HE DOES LIKE YOU!” she half squealed into my ear as I stood up and went straight up to him and excused ourselves out.

I don’t know what took over me. Maybe it was anger? Disgust? Or I just plainly hate him. That I’d pull him out of the room and slam him on the wall, facing him like he did to me, yesterday.

“I agree. I’ll help you.”

His eyes widened in surprise as he unconsciously, or maybe out of gratitude, hugged me.

My eyes widened as I sniffed his familiar scent. A scent that made my insides whirl like melting. And his hug, tight like a bear.

I couldn’t care any less… Could I?

“That’s great! You’re so awesome! Can we start now?” he said excitedly as his smile never left the brim of his mouth. And his mouth. I can’t stop staring at it.

What is wrong with me?

“S-sure…” I muttered as I looked away. Why…why do I feel like this? A sensation so pure, so indescribable, so undefined… I-I can’t…

“Hey,” he suddenly grabbed my arm, which surprised me. “Thanks again, Elle. You’re not much of an Ice at all.” He continued as he let it go and went straight in the room, where Mr. Peterson’s class starts in 7 minutes.

Not much of an Ice? Am I? I’ve always been…

I went straight in after about 3 minutes. And that really didn’t make quite a fuss. Except for the fact that my bestfriend is smiling ear to ear at me, and its straight to the line creepy.

“DETAILS. NOW.” she demanded as she pulled me down on a seat next to her infront. I looked at her, puzzled.

“WINTER. YOU. OUTSIDE. WHAT HAPPENED. TELL ME NOW.” she said as if she’d just found the right words and couldn’t put it into a sentence. I rolled my eyes as I opened my mouth to explain, but the odds were not on favour.

“Good morning class!”Mr. Peterson exclaimed, completely surprising me and cutting me off at the same time.

Great. Just, great.

She looked at me with her piercing eyes. Her eyes which was full of meaning. Full of curiousity and maybe a bit disappointed that I didn’t tell her. But it mainly screamed “TELL ME AFTER CLASS, OR ELSE.”

I gulped as we did our daily routine of bowing to the teacher and greeting them a good morning.


Yes, a good morning, indeed.


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