The Battle's End

by _Roxas_
Tags   anime   adventure   action   naruto   | Report Content


The flames dancing over Ichigo’s skin eventually flickered and died, and the young ninja was left wondering what had just occurred. She then felt a large, furry shape brush against her leg, and she glanced down to find a massive red wolf by her side, growling savagely at her mother.

“So it seems you possess the clan’s kekkai genkai,” her mother snorted, raising her blade once more. Ichigo glanced down at the wolf once more as tales of the clan’s legendary abilities resurfaced in her mind. Her father had told her of the great beasts that served the Tsukihana since its founding, wolf-like creatures that were embodiments of chakra. Under certain conditions, the ability would be awoken within worthy young ninja, and it seemed that Ichigo’s intense desire to protect her homeland had called on of the beasts to her side.

“I am Hotaru,” the wolf snarled, and Ichigo blinked rapidly, amazed that the creature could speak. “I have come to serve you.”

“Enough talk! You won’t live long enough to make use of your new pet!” Ichigo’s mother cried and sprung at her daughter, her blade glinting in the moonlight. Ichigo deflected the blow but slid backward from the force, and ended up pressed against the wall as her mother continue to swing at her. Hotaru leaped at the older ninja and clamped down on her arm; its mighty jaws dug deep, and Ichigo could hear the bone crack as its teeth ripped deep into her mother’s skin. The woman pulled away, blood dying the sleeve of her blue kimono a dark purple.

“Ichigo, try using a fire-style jutsu,” Hotaru instructed.

“I’ve never been good at fire-style!” she protested, but a dark look from the wolf made her swallow her objection and begin hastily weaving hand signs. Fire Style: Phoenix Flower Justu! Ichigo brought her hand to her mouth, spitting small fireballs across the room. They were much bigger than she had even manage to construct before, and despite her mother’s skill one managed to catch her in the leg, searing her skin and sending her down on one knee.

“Chakra wolves boost the ninjustu of their masters,” Hotaru explained, crouching as her mother stood back up.

“So you learned a new trick. Do you think that makes you special?” her mother sighed, coming at her once more. Now that she was enraged, she easily kept up with the chakra wolf and her daughter, and the pair began to grow tired. Ichigo faltered and left her side open, allowing her mother to plant her foot into her ribs and send her flying across the room. When Hotaru made an attempt to attack, the woman sliced through him; he disappeared in a cloud of smoke, returning to whatever mystical home he belonged. Ichigo was too weak to summon him back.

“Hotaru…” Ichigo whispered as she realized just how bad of a situation she was in. Still, she managed to climb to her feet and plant herself between her mother and the Hokage, holding her blade aloft. Outside the window, the sounds of battle could still be heard echoing up from the ground. Ichigo decided that she had to put an end to the rebellion, here and now. The tip of her blade shook as she implored her mother to surrender once more, “Please, don’t make me do this. Stop!”

“Never,” her mother hissed and surged forward, the tip of her katana aimed for her daughter’s heart. Time seemed to slow down, and Ichigo took a deep breath as she cleared her mind. As the sword approached, she brought her body low and the blade barely sliced the top of her shoulder; however, Ichigo felt no pain, and she gripped her katana tightly and drove it right through her mother’s middle. Time sped up again, and she felt her mother’s body quivering. Blood ran down Ichigo’s sword and covered her hand in the red substance.

“Mother… I’m sorry,” she whispered as tears streamed down her cheeks. “You made me do it,” she sobbed. Her mother said no more, only slumped forward as the life left her body. Ichigo withdrew her blade, and the body of the one she loved fell lifelessly to the ground. The young girl fell to her knees, sobbing uncontrollably. Meanwhile, outside the office came the sound of feverish footsteps, and at last the Jonin arrived to defend their superior.

“Lord Hokage! Are you alright?” the cried, then drew their kunai as they saw that Ichigo was still alive. Before they could make a move to attack her, however, the old man stepped forward and placed a hand on the young girl’s shoulder.

“Yes, thanks to Ichigo here. She was very brave,” he smiled, patting her head soothingly as she dried her tears and stood. Naruto appeared in the doorway and shoved his way between the two Jonin, only to trip and tumble to Ichigo’s feet. He rubbed his head with a groan, then looked up with a sheepish grin.

“Sorry it took so long,” he apologized, then noticed the dead woman beside him. Creeped out, he wriggled away and hastily jumped to his feet to stand beside his friend. “… All of your mom’s soldiers have been captured. It’s over, huh?”

“Yes… It’s over,” Ichigo nodded quietly, then looked up when she heard a familiar voice. A red-haired man came storming through the door, pushing the two hapless Jonin out of his way and yelling, “Where’s my daughter? Ichigo!” The tall man crossed the room and grabbed his daughter, pulling her into a great hug.

“Ah, Ichiru, there you are,” the Hokage mused as he watched the famous man dote over his girl and check her over to make sure that she wasn’t seriously hurt. “I have young Ichigo here to thank for my life. If it wasn’t for her, I would be dead!” he laughed. The man pursed his lips, stroking his daughter’s hair.

“Lord Hokage, don’t joke like that… You and I both know you could have easily defended yourself,” Ichiru sighed.

“Yes, but it proved an excellent opportunity to prove her worth, did it not? I’m sure the council will be unable to refuse Ichigo her right to join a Genin team now,” the old man smirked, and Ichigo squirmed her way out of her father’s grip to run over to the old man.

“Really? I can be a ninja?” she gasped. One of the other Jonin stepped forward to object.

“But sir, all of the Genin squads are filled. Who would take on a fourth student?” he cried.

“I think I can handle her,” came a smooth voice from the window.

“Kakashi-sensei!” Naruto cried, grinning as his mentor sat perched in the broken window with a hand raised in greeting. He hopped down, kicking aside broken glass as he stuck his hands in his pockets and approached the old man. “It may be a bit unorthodox, but I’m sure that Ichigo will be a great addition to Team 7. She already gets along well with Naruto, after all. Besides, not all teams are four-man cells.” At this, Ichigo’s father frowned and brought his daughter back into his protective arms.

“All right! This is awesome!” Naruto cried and pumped his fist in the air. He then turned to Ichigo, grinning mischievously. “Alright, close your eyes!” he beamed. Ichigo did as she was told, and heard her father and Naruto bickering for a good while before she felt something soft tied around her forehead. “Good grief, I thought he would never let me get that thing on you. Open your eyes!” Ichigo’s eyes fluttered open and she raised her hands to trace the leaf insignia carved into the metal plate of the headband now knotted around her head. “You’re an official Genin now!”

“Naruto, you can’t just give up your headband like that…” Kakashi sighed and shook his head.

“Shut up! You’re ruining the moment!” his pupil shot back. Ichigo began laughing, and with that, the raid of the Hidden Leaf Village was over and the young girl had earned her place on a ninja squad. However, this was just the beginning of her journey, and she still had a great many trials to face in the days to come. 


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