Upvote Who can be a digital writer?

by AnnaEverson
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The best part about digital writing is that anyone with a computer and solid writing skills can do it and make money! 
With the amount of companies who need an online presence, there are hundreds of jobs available in hundreds of different markets. As long as you can write well, you can put just about any previous experience to work for you. Every company needs a writer (even the one you came from). 


To stand out from the competition, you will want to define your niche. Look at the areas in which you have experience, both professionally and personally. The best part about niche writing is it doesn’t have to be defined by your education or work experience, but can be chosen based on your interests. If you enjoy gardening, for example, companies will see your flourishing vegetable garden as an example of your knowledge base and passion. This may compel them to hire you over someone with stellar writing skills but no gardening knowledge. Focusing on your niche is one of the keys to turning digital writing into a lucrative career. 
If it’s the core digital writing skills you’re worried about, fret no more. The great thing about digital writing is that core skills like SEO and social media marketing are relatively easy to learn. There are dozens of books, eBooks, blogs, and online webinars you can use to build your confidence and knowledge base before you jump into the world of digital writing. 
What skills are needed for digital writing? 
Quality writing adapts ideas and messages to the platform on which it will be used, such as a blog, social media, web copy, or video. In this way, writing for online mediums is vastly different than writing for traditional, print mediums. 
In addition to basic writing skills, key aspects of digital writing include: 
  • Leading with the most important information. 
  • Providing concise, to-the-point messages and facts. 
  • Writing in digestible chunks to satisfy short attention spans. 
  • Writing in a well-organized manner so the reader can quickly get the information he/she wants. 
  • It also doesn’t hurt to have basic design or html knowledge to edit photos or help layout web content. 
Successful digital writing relies on understanding the platform and what comes with it. Writing a tweet is very different than a blog post or an eBook. 

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