The Sleepover, Part 1 (non-chatfic chapter)

by UnrulyRedFox
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Aside from Okosan, who dropped out when he discovered there would be no pudding, everyone who was invited had arrived to the party.
(Well, "party" was a rather extravagant term to put on such a domestic sleepover, but that's what Hiyoko insisted on calling it.)
All the highschoolers gathered in the living room, while Hitori (and Kazuaki, who didn't want to be alone today) went off into the kitchen—after checking on everyone, of course.

The gang mostly sat around and talked for a little while, Hiyoko being the most energetic. Nageki, for the most part, just sat in an armchair (most likely his chair, since it was next to a small bookshelf) and listened.
They played Mario Kart for a bit, until Sakuya became convinced everyone else was cheating because he couldn't win. Hiyoko and Ryouta exchanged an amused glance and a giggle at his little outburst.
But then, eventually, it was time for the main event.

"Alright gang! Now it's time for everyone's favorite party game: Truth or Dare!!" Hiyoko announced, loudly (much to the annoyance of others).

Everyone arranged themselves in a circle on the carpet, the perfect arrangement so that Hiyoko could indirectly ensure that Ryouta sat next to Sakuya (and Nageki sat next to Anghel, but they aren't the focus tonight). They argued for a little while about who should go first, and after a few minutes Yuuya shut everyone up by saying, "ladies first." So, Hiyoko started the game.

"Okay... Yuuya! Truth! Or! Dare!?"

"I pick dare, mon amie," Yuuya replied, a grin on his face.

"Okay then! I dare you to... go into the kitchen and yell, 'gay!'"

Sakuya's facepalm was absolutely beautiful.

And so, well, that happened. Yuuya and Hiyoko were laughing there asses off. It didn't help that Hitori and Kazuaki were literally kissing when he went in there.
Nageki was slightly traumatized.


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