Upvote Silent treatment

by Olivia
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Tags   romance   sehun   | Report Content



What if you woke up to find yourself in the world of a novel with a beautiful man sleeping beside you who claimed to be your boyfriend. This man was known as the male lead's cousin and the coldest character in this story . Being his girlfriend is too fucking dangerous, in the novel I even end up kidnapped. Why? Because the guy is a freaking ex marine operative who also happens to be the head of the top special operative organization Wich puts me in a very dangerous situation . The guy is a total red flag.


This is it my only chance to say this it's now or never. "Sehun?" He titled his head my way casting his eyes off the paperwork on his desk, one eyebrow raised in question when he noticed my serious tone. "Yeah ?" "I'm breaking up with you". Finally I said it I was happy because I've been trying to find the right moment to say this since I came to this world . Who could blame me ? No one wants to be with a careless narcissistic jerk . But what's with the shocked expression on his face ?. And a year later he seemed more different than ever. "Why did you break up with me?" His eyes while asking this question seemed so intense like he's been asking himself that question so many times. Considering his personality he would never ask this question.Hell he shouldn't even be curious about the answer.

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