Upvote Summer in Paris

by tenzeronine
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Summer in Paris - friendship - main story image



Original character, Sofia,Jane,lenny


a day after their high school graduation Jane and Sofia decide to spend their summer in Paris, France to watch summer collection fashion show and tp experience a vacation wih outh their parents and  while they are in Paris they experience new things, meet new people and a guy who made their summer TWISTED.


Sofia Morgan is the only child of the owner of the top selling record company of the city; she is running for high school salutatorian. Sofia didn’t have the perfect life like Jane but her love life never got ZERO. Sofia didn’t have any ideal man in her mind, for her having and ideal man only make her life miserable and feels like she being jailed by her own illusion; she easily fall in love and easily believes in sweet talks, that is why in her very young age Sofia already experience heart broken for 5 times.

Jane Elizabeth Lennox is the only daughter of the owner of the Famous Hotel in the City; she has 2 brothers namely Josh and Steve. Jane is running for high school valedictorian. Almost everything bout her is PERFECT except her LOVE LIFE which is totally ZERO. However, already has her vision of her ideal guy, a guy who looks great in everything he wears, Intelligent, gentleman and has a KILLER SMILE every time he smiles. And she wouldn’t mind if that guy came from the Elite society or not as long as she found her ideal guy.



"It's just a one night stand okay so please don't react like that as if you really don't know me" Sofia told Jane as they are having their breakfast 3 days after they arrive to Paris.

"That's the problem! we're only been here for 3 days and you spend a night with a random stranger already"

"He's not just any random guy Jane, he is Lenny Lefebvre for God sake"


Author's Note:

Hey loves! this is my every story here in FOF and I hope you will like this fic.

Please tell me if using the photo I use in this story is not allowed cause I'm willing to change the photos.

Please stay with me until this story end

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