Poem Fanfiction

Feelings of a Fan

by spinatale updated on
Tags: kpop poem
Comments: 2 |

In summer blue or gray winter nights I would never truly understand you. Underneath the river of stars I wish sometimes that I could see you. In only a few sec... Read More

From Dusk 'til Dawn [Complete]

by MidnightNightingale updated on
Tags: poem
Chapters: 1 | Comments: 3 |

      ... Read More

The Mysterious Garden [Complete]

by MidnightNightingale updated on
Tags: poem
Chapters: 1 | Votes: 2 | Views: 2025 | Comments: 1 |

A young boy gets lost in a mysterious garden he has never seen before. ... Read More

Friends [Complete]

by colorcoded updated on
Tags: poem friends whatisafriend
Chapters: 1 |

    ... Read More

Ocean Fade

by ChanRiB updated on
Tags: poem quotes words sentences
Chapters: 2 |

Here can be some quotes. Or just some sentences that i just think of randomly. Sometimes there may be Poems.... Read More

Two Worlds~

by S-dragon updated on
Tags: angst love sliceoflife poems poem
Chapters: 1 | Comments: 1 |

I plan on making this just a bunch of poem drabbles.<3... Read More

roses bloom from your ribcage [Complete]

by stormshins updated on
Tags: original poetry poem
Chapters: 1 | Views: 1450 |

you are a world, a wonderous, vast, universe - you carry it on you without knowing it exists, but just as you exist,  it  does  too.    ... Read More

Of Fingers and Toes

by bambini updated on
Tags: original you writing poem
Chapters: 11 | Votes: 2 | Comments: 6 |

Where my metrical ... Read More

Mother [Complete]

by thaeng updated on
Tags: poem mother
Chapters: 1 | Views: 1275 | Comments: 1 |

  A person who is...    ... Read More

Pamilya [Complete]

by exoticshawol updated on
Tags: poem
Chapters: 1 |

Just posted this here so my friend can see it. This is my assignment/homework for Filipino.... Read More

A Savage Place [Complete]

by LeonardoDaFishy updated on
Tags: poems poetry pensandplans2 poem
Chapters: 1 |

A poem about the absurd delusions of a schizophrenic man.... Read More

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