Thedoctor Fanfiction

Weeping Angels and Automatons [Complete]

by sociopathsfunction updated on
Tags: percyjackson doctorwho thedoctor annabethchase amypond
Chapters: 1 | Subscribers: 3 | Views: 2075 | Comments: 2 |

Annabeth Chase is not even slightly amused when a man grabs her by the hand and tells her to run. Besides, who is going to believe a man who talks about killing statues? Also, what is his name?... Read More

»»Timelash : An Interactive Adventure

by sherlocked updated on
Tags: adventure interactive interactivestory doctorwho thedoctor tardis
Chapters: 3 | Votes: 9 | Subscribers: 27 | Views: 3875 | Comments: 6 |

You will be traveling through time and space with the Doctor as his new companion. With a sonic screwdriver in... Read More

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