Weekend Warriors

by Hyujabut44
Tags   romance   songfic   naruto   naruhina   oneshotseries   | Report Content

Weekend Warriors - romance songfic naruto naruhina oneshotseries - main story image


Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto...SADLY

Weekends are for the warriors
All those late nights walking through front doors at daybreak
Raise all, of the glasses high
This one's to all of us sitting around here on Friday night

Hinata sighed for what seemed to be the milionth time that night, as she sat snuggled under a blanket on her couch, a book in hand. It was the same thing every Friday night. The Rookies would all go out to Tsunade's and party like it was no tomorrow, they'd get drunk off their asses, and when everyone was passed out Hinata would somehow manage to get everyone cleaned up and home safely. They never remembered who put them where they were after they woke up, knowing that they did not pass out in the spot they were in now.

Breakfast would always be made and put on the table for everyone as soon as they woke up along with asprin and tons of water bottles. After all nursing a hangover is such a bitch, especially one with a MAJOR headache. (A/N: Ughh I know that from personal experience. If you major in Forensics NEVER go to the lab hungover. You will die.) And there would always be a note of encouragement so as to put a somewhat happier start to their day.

I remember eighteen
Hated Mondays
And sitting, staring at the clock ,dying to get away
Don't look back
And have no regrets
We only got two days and time won't wait for us

Oh how Hinata wished she could just let loose like them, and party hard. She had wanted to be a part of their Friday night parties, dying to get away from the boring Hyuga life style, but alas her chronic shyness would not allow it. And She absolutely dreaded Monday because everyone would be sharing stories of the weekend, making her feel left out because she never had anything interresting to say. She felt invisible.

Hinata glanced at the clock, it was quater to One A.M and knew she had to prepare for tonights mission, 'Operation: Clean Up' as she liked to call it. She was expecting it to be like usual routine, her leaving the house at about Three A.M with the supplies needed, and she would walk into Tsunade's unlocked house to find everyone passed out drunk. She'd always find Naruto and tend to him first, because after all she loved him. She'd put him on the couch, cover him with a blanket, and lightly kiss his forehead.

This can't last forever
Raise a glass together
Doesn't get much better
No better than
This can't last forever
Raise a glass together
Doesn't get much better
No better than this

After a while of fixing everyone up she would make breakfast, always milk and riceballs with a side of bacon. It was simple yet seemed to satisfy everyones hunger for the time being. And then she would do damage check of the house before leaving around Five A.M and snuggling into bed knowing that she would be able to sleep in instead of getting up for a mission like usual.

I've been to hell and back
All the snow storms
And the bathroom stalls which you pulled me out of
I'll be there
Like you've been there
My word's, my bond
Don't stand alone, you can count on me

The morning came without much problem, the bright rays seeping through the windows and onto Hinata's flawless face. Hinata moaned as she stretched and threw the sheets off of herself, slipping her feet into her white fuzzy slippers, and headed into the bathroom to take a shower. Unaware of the coming events.

This can't last forever
Raise a glass together
Doesn't get much better
No better than
This can't last forever
Raise a glass together
Doesn't get much better
No better than this

Tsunade's House

Everyone sat around the table eating breakfast, silently. Each ninja involved in their own thoughts and trying to remember what happened yesterday. Again they had woken up all taken care of with breakfast on the table waiting. And they just didn't know who had done all of that stuff, until now that is.

They had decided that they would hide a camera by the door, to try and catch who always seemed to come in and take care of them.

We fight this fight to stay free
And never say 'never'
If you leave this choice up to me
I'll stay young (stay young) forever

"I feel so bad. I feel like I'm taking Hinata-chan for granted." Naruto said as he took a bite of the riceball Hinata made, it was delightful. "I know how you feel Naruto. Not once did I thank Hinata and I just kept talking and talking about all the fun things that happened at the party." Ino said as she looked down at the floor, a strong feeling of guilt overwhelming her.

"I think its safe to say we all feel a little guilty. I think we need to make it up to Hinata, but how?" Tsunade said as she turned to Shizune who was sitting next to her fiance Iruka. She thought for a moment then grinned. "I have the perfect Idea..." Shizune said as she told it to the others, who grinned and nodded. It was perfect for Hinata and everyone knew she would love it.

This can't last forever
Raise a glass together
Doesn't get much better
No better than
This can't last forever
Raise a glass together
Doesn't get much better
No better than this

Hinata was just about ready to head out the door, deciding to go to the market and get some fresh fruits and vegtables for cooking purposes, and maybe pick up a couple of herbs for medicinal purposes. As Hinata was about to walk out the door she was immediately overwhelemed with a big shout of thank you as all the Rookie's ans Sensei's were surrounding the front door to her little appartment ever since she was disowned.

Kurenai and Asuma stepped forward first as the rest followed behind her in a single filed line, and Asuma handed her a huge book. "Hinata we just wanted to say that we're sorry for not noticing this sooner, and we're sorry that we have been taking you for granted all this time. So as a personal thanks from all of us each of us have put our favorite pressed flowers in this book along with a special note for you from each of us." Kurenai finished as Hinata took the book from Asuma and huged them both.

They procedded to walk to the back of the line and next to step up was Neji. "Hinata I know I was horrible to you when we were younger, and I never properly acknowledged you as I should have, but I'd like to say thanks. I really appreciate it." Hinata smiled and nodded, "Thanks everyone! and Neji" and then procceeded to hug him. Then was TenTen, "Hinata-chan thanks for putting me next to Neji. Your the greatest. Thank you!" and so it continued on and on, each one saying their own special thanks and finally it was Naruto's turn.

Hinata blushed immensely as the 6'3" blonde god walked up to her, grinning that smile only reserved for her. "Hinata-chan...I wanted to give you something to say...well yes and thank you." and with that Naruto took his lips and pressed them against Hinata's in a tender yet loving fashion. Hinata's eyes flew open to the size of dinner plates, before slowly closing and wrapping her arms around his neck, kissing back.

Maybe she didn't have to attend the party to be a Weekend Warrior. Maybe, just maybe, she was a special warrior...all her own.

Weekends are for the warriors




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NaruHina123  on says about chapter 19:
I really love this fic! ♡♡ and also loves your writing skills!
NaruHina ftw!!

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