It’s his Triumph, not Yours…

by Poko24-Chan
Tags   oneshot   alternateuniverse   anime   inspirational   tragedy   souleater   innerconflict   | Report Content

It’s his Triumph, not Yours… - oneshot alternateuniverse anime inspirational tragedy souleater innerconflict - main story image



The woman called, worried lines creasing her forehead. She approached the young boy who was crumpled up in the blue, suffocating sheets. Gently laying a hand on the outline of the boy’s head she began to stroke softly, tears threatening to come out, “It’s okay Wes. It’s okay…” She repeated holding back angry sobs. The two figures sat in silence. After a few minutes of soothing words the woman got up, walking away and out the door.

He heard the door shut quietly. The sheets began to shuffle, but stopped in an instant. White hair popped out of the covers revealing a boy, looking the age of ten, red eyes glaring here and there. Much to his distaste he heard them as well. “So loud…so annoying…” He thought, anger rising slowly and his eyes looking fiercer than ever.

His blood boiled, his fists clenched…he was afraid.

Gritting his teeth that gnawed against each other he shut his eyes tightly, his mind speaking for itself. Wishing he was never part of this world. “GET OUT!” He screamed clutching the sides of head, thrashing around crazily. Tears started to flow down the close lids of his ruby red eyes. “Please…please leave me alone…” He pleaded in a whisper.

“Why don’t you let it out?” He heard a voice growl darkly, just beneath him, an animal swivelling around him. He shivered while the animal figure laughed haughtily. That thing gave him nightmares on countless nights ever since he moved in with Mrs. Evans. “Let it out boy. Let out that hatred deep within your heart and show it to them; those who will never understand this curse of ours. Show them what inner turmoil we’ve been through for past generations that will never change.” After a few moments of debating he eyed the beast walking beneath him, “No.” The figure beneath him froze. “No?” It hissed furiously.

“You heard me. I will not let innocent people get hurt because of you. I refuse to carry on this curse. Get out of here and out of me.” The beast glared before making a small ‘tsk’ and left angrily. There was a sudden bang on his door, “Wes you need to hurry and hide! They’re here!” The woman yelled terrified, helping the boy out his bed who refused to move. She stared at him, anxiety clearly showing in her brown orbs.

“I beat him. I stood up to him and he ran away.” He exclaimed happily. She smiled gently and crouched down to the boy’s level. “I’m proud of you Wes.” She said hugging him in the process. Hesitatingly he brought his small hands up doing the same, “Thank you…mom.” Loud protests and pounding were heard, so the two made their way out towards the angry mob, determined.

“I’ll be back. Just you wait boy. Just you wait.”   


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