Korcari Wilds

by YaMoUso
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Korcari Wilds - romance you dragonageorigins dao - chapter image


"We're here, Duncan.", Alistair said.

"Seems you have been bothering the mages again , hmm?"

"Ah yeah, I was just ..... my apologies."

"So we're going to prepare the Joining, now , let me introduce you. This is Ser Jory , he hails from Redcliffe..."

"And this is Daveth, a ...fellow from Denerim.", Alistair continued.

"That's me."

"And this, of course is you, she hails from Highever.", Duncan introducedyou

"A pleasure to meet you."

"You have two tasks ahead, before we can start the Joining. The first is that you need to retrieve three flasks of Darkspawnblood , one for each recruite."

"And the second task?"

"The second task is you need to go to the ruins of a Grey Warden watchtower of old. There you have to search for a chest were important documents are sealed away in. Retrieve these documents"

"Understood, I am ready." you looked at the others , and as they nodded, they all took of to go into the Korcari Wilds.

The guard at the gate, had let them trough, after warning them they had to do their bussiness quickly.

"Nobody is safe in the Wilds at night, not even a Grey Warden."

They soon came across some Darkspawn. They were with ten against four.

Their blood had been spilled, limbs laying everywhere, at least they had their 3 vials of blood.

"This is just ... hideous. I never had encountered monsters who I couldn't fell with my blade.", Ser Jory yelped.

"Calm down, it's not that bad.", Daveth said.

"It's part of our test, nothing is going to happen. you said.

"I am still here too,Ser Jory. But that doesn't mean I'm going to make it easy for you." , Alistair said.

"Now, we only need those documents."you said.

They continued through the Korcari Wilds. They encountered several groups of Darkspawn, but it was nothing they couldn't handle.

They finally arrived at the Ruins.


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N1ghtshade  on says about chapter 1:
Oh my gosh. A Dragon Age fic. Can I like, love you forever?

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