Part Two

by spinatale
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            "Looks like they're here again," gushes Lorny. Princess Ayotra walks over to the glass window to watch the two Briders below. They always came around at precisely 11:30 everyday to show-off. She recognizes one Brider, she remembers laughing at his hilarious fall and smiles to herself. Lorny catches the smile, "My, my, Princess, have you fallen for one of them?"

Princess Ayotra slightly blushes, "I wouldn't call it that."  Lorny's gray eyes twinkle, "If you'd like Princess, I can get their names."  Princess Ayotra  tries to hide her delight to no avail, "No, no need to Lorny."  Grinning contagiously Lorny asks, "So which one is it? The dark haired one or the the light haired one?"  Princess Ayotra covers her cheeks in an effor to cool them, "The dark haired one."




            Furiously Ermas scrubs the blackened pot with a stiff brush. Her shoulders and arms ached from the effort, but she persists. Her face was still on fire with the near encounter with Isn. She shakes her head to rid it of his image. She hated that she couldn't even look at him, if she dared she would end up crying.

Soapy water splashes her face, revealing the shiny metal underneath all the pot's soot. She scrubs harder. Though they didn't notice, she had heard them mention her and it seemed that Isn wasn't interested in her. Ermas wipes her wet face on her sleeve, "Of course he wouldn't like me. The princess is so beautiful while I'm just a plain ugly girl."

           Cene, the head chef yells down the stairs, "Ermas, are you done scrubbing the pot? I just need you to clean it not return the pot to it's original state!"  Ermas stops scrubbing and quickly rinse off the pot, "Coming!"

Dragging the heavy pot, almost as big as her, up the stairs, Ermas trips. She cries out in pain as her right knee hits the edge of the stone steps. Luckily she managed to keep a grip on the pot. Setting the blackened pot down, she lifts her skirt to examine the knee. It was just a blue bruise. Rubbing the bruise she is about to stand up when her heart suddenly gives a lurch followed by a fiery pain.

Gasping, Ermas wipes beads of sweat from above her lip. Something bad was going to happen...and soon.




            Fnesis grins at Isn, raising a brow, "Looks like your efforts have paid off." Wheeling his Birder around Isn's eyes widen in surprise. Slowly making her way towards them was Princess Ayotra and her personal maid, Lorny. Isn tries to hold back a blush which only made his face turn redder.

Both Briders quickly get down from their Birders. Isn hastily bows to the princess. "Your highness," he stammers. Fnesis gives him a cheeky grin before bowing too. Princess Ayotra smiles," I see that you two have been riding around this area quite often."  The two friends straighten their backs, Isn scratches his hair. "W-we have been haven't we?" with a nervous chuckle.

           Princess Ayotra hides a grin with her gloved fingers, "Yes indeed. Your skills are quite excellent-ah-you and your friend, I mean."  Fnesis smirks, "I must say so myself I am quite skilled."  Lorny speakes up, "We haven't come here to make small talk princess, get on with it."  Princess Ayotra reddens. Isn and Fnesis glance at each other in slight puzzlement.

Coughing to clear her throat Ayotra asks, "Actually...I would like to know the names of such skilled Briders."   Fnesis gives a flourishing bow, pointing an elegant hand at Isn. "This quiet friend here is Isn. Isn Floriles of Cantopis."  In return, placing a hand on Fnesis shoulder, Isn says, "And this gentleman here is my good friend Fnesis Scarletto of Amerln."

            "Charmed," answers Princess Ayotra. Lorny suddenly gives Ayotra a tug on the arm, "Princess we must go, it is almost luncheon."  Reluctant to leave Ayotra holds her ground. Heart beat quickening she shyly glances at Isn, who in return gives a bashful glance. " it? Would it trouble you if I ask to speak with you again?"

Surprised, but delighted Isn grins goofily, "Um, yes, I'd be glad to your highness."  Bidding them farewell, Lorny hurridly drags Princess Ayotra away. Fnesis gives Isn a jab. "You lucky bastard, looks like the princess has taken a liking to you."  Ruffling his hair Isn scowls at Fnesis, "We're just going to talk, okay?"  Fnesis holds both his hands up, palms facing outward, "Whatever you say."





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