Part Three

by spinatale
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            Chewing on dry hard bread, Ermas sits in the kitchen garden on the stone steps of the back door. She had no appetite today, though she was often hungry. The odd heartbeat followed by fiery pain could not be ignored. It had happened once and would happen again. Should she inform the King of the bad thing to come? If she did would they even believe her, a nobody scullery maid? Sighing she hides her face between knees and crossed arms. All day that was all she could think about.  Sighing, she crumbles the dry bread, throwing crumbs for the birds.

"Oh, stop it!" A giggle interrupts the quiet. Not surprised, Ermas quickly scrambles for cover. Here we go again, another couple out to make love in broad daylight. Finding the thought of seeing them unappealing Ermas escapes quietly through the side gate.

Going in a circle she enters through the front of the kitchen to continue cleaning pots and dishes, her break nearly over. Passing the wooden benches where the Briders and other lower class staff dined, she catches a glimpse of Isn. Her heart thudding loudly, she stares at the ground as she hurries pass.

           "Hey Ermas! Where are you going?"  She freezes, turning cold at the familiar voice, one that she despised with all her being. Ignore him, she tells herself, continuing her get away.

"Ermas!" She cries out as her head is yanked back and at the painful ache of her hair being pulled. She clenches her teeth, darting away from her tormentor. 

A servant in his early twenties grins slyly at Ermas. "How is it going?" Is the work too hard for you? Would you like me to help you relax at night?"  Clenching her fist that her nails dug into her skin, Ermas looks anywhere but at him.

          "Tmdi leave Ermas alone. Everyone knows how much you want to bed her!" teases a male servant. Tmdi snarls pushing Ermas, causing her to fall on her bottom. "Shut up Sicil. I don't think of her that way, she's ugly. "  He kicks Ermas in the ribs, "Get up!"

Embarassed, Ermas smooths her tattered skirt, holding back the tears. She glances at Isn whose gaze slides over her. Humiliated, she rushes into the kitchens. Cene hardly gives her a glance as she grunts, "Get back to work."

Washing the dirty dishes Ermas cries silently, letting her tears fall freely. One day, she promises herself, one day I will become a strong person and leave this place.



            After luncheon Princess Ayotra is summoned by her father, King Bestrin to greet a guest. Entering the throne room carpeted in rich blue with a twinkling diamond chandiler, and large glass windows, Princess Ayotra's eyes are instantly drawn to the guest. Lorny gives him a look of appreciation.

The guest gives a friendly smile, his handsome features bedazzling. Dark long hair tied back in a ponytail, a dark gray coat with a tail, crimson cloth peeking from inside, white breeches with a black belt stylishly hanging from his waist, and a secretive smile, was enough to make any girl faint.

Cheeks slightly rosy Princess Ayotra smiles at the guest. He turns to the king. "Your daughter is quite the beauty, your majesty."  His voice was a mix of deep with the silkiness of a youth. King Bestrin chuckles in agreement, "My most precious treasure, Lord Hessing." Taking her gloved hands Lord Hessing gives it a soft kiss, "Indeed."



            Isn glares daggers at the handsome stranger who dare to stroll in the palace gardens with Princess Ayotra.  "What are we doing here?" Fnesis hisses. Isn bites his bottom lip, "To make sure that he doesn't do  anything to the princess." The two were hiding behind a swan shaped hedge. Fnesis shakes his head tsking, "Isn, my dear friend, if you are going to hide like a coward and watch your princess be taken by another man then I wouldn't be your friend--" with a mighty shove, Fnesis sends Isn crashing out the bushes.

Startled, Lord Hessing and Princess Ayotra turn at the noise to find Isn sprawled out on the ground. Blushing Isn quickly stands up, "Ah, your highness, what a surprise...seeing you here."  Princess Ayotra covers a smile, "I must say the same Isn."

"This is my guest, Lord Hessing. Lord Hessing, this is Isn."  The two males give each other an icy aknowledgment.  "You're a Brider," states Lord Hessing after Isn finishes a bow.  "Yes," answers Isn.

"How did you know?" Princess Ayotra asks Lord Hessing in surprise. Lord Hessing smirks, "The bruises."  At this Isn flames," I am sure you don't have much experience in Briding."  "Actually, I do," challenges Lord Hessing, "would you like to see?"


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