First Message

by PrinceArtemis
Tags   yurionice   otayuri   otabekaltin   yuriplisetsky   | Report Content


Yuri had just finished editing his latest review video and was waiting for it to finish uploading so he could finally go to bed and get some sleep.

As he turned off his computer and got in bed, he suddenly got a notification on his phone.

Sighing due to being exhausted he turned off his phone and decided to check the message in the morning.

The next couple of hours were terrible for Yuri, he couldn't sleep due to the owner of one of the online stores he works for telling him he would be fired if he kept telling his fans they shouldn't buy certain products.

Yuri knew he worked for them and it's his job to say good things but when some of the products don't show up looking like they should or work like they should he's going to say so.

He liked working for the store but he wasn't going to lie to people just because he was getting paid.

He grabbed his phone, deciding to check the message and couldn't help but smile when he saw that the message was from ''DJAltin'.


Message from: DJAltin
Received at: 11:00pm

"Hey,Yuri. I'm Otabek, I'm a DJ.. Although I'm sure you knew that because of my username.
Anyways, you see my number of followers recently got higher and it's all thanks to your kind words.
I know we don't really have anything in common but I just want to thank you for supporting me.
Sorry for bothering you, I know you're a busy man."


Yuri smiled at how cute the message was, Otabek seemed like he was a pretty cool guy but his message makes it seem like he's a bit shy when speaking to people.

Yuri took a few minutes to read a couple more of his messages before replying to Otabek.


Message from:RussianPunkOfficial
Received at: 2:00am

"Hey Otabek, I was wondering when we would get to talk.
I'm sorry for replying so late and at this hour but I've been editing all night and failing to get any rest.
Anyways, I'm happy you're getting more followers however I doubt it's because of me.
You're DJ-ing is amazing so I'm sure you're popular because of your talent and not me saying a few nice things.
Of course, it doesn't hurt that you're very attractive, which is probably why most of your fans are female.
I saw that you posted about wanting to start vlogging since you travel, any plans on traveling to Russia anytime soon?
If you do visit I will happily show you around and treat you to the best food. It'll be like a date."


Otabek, who was only online still because he forgot he was having a Q&A with his fans saw that Yuri had replied to him.
He couldn't help but chuckle at Yuri's 'not-so-subtle' flirting.


Message from:DJAltin
Received at: 2:20am

"Honestly I haven't really figured out if I'm going to do the videos or not, I don't even know where I would begin in order to edit them but I do have plans on visiting Russia soon.
I'm actually going to be there for a few weeks this month.
I have a few gigs but mainly boring business stuff, it would be great to meet you in person but your fangirls might be a little too much for me.
It's late, I hope you're planning on sleeping soon, we don't need you to be too tired to work. I know your fans hate seeing you tired."


Message from: RussianPunkOfficial
Received at: 2:50am

"Don't worry dad, I'll sleep soon.
Yeah, my fans can be a bit over the top at times.
Honestly they even scare me at times but they're the reason I am where I am so I'm thankful to them.
Okay, I'll rest now but you should as well. I'll talk to you later?"


Message from:DJAltin
Received at: 2:58am

"You really are a great person Yuri. I'll rest soon as well, don't worry.
Just message me whenever you feel like talking.


Otabek kept reading the messages over and over. He couldn't stop smiling, He was a big fan of Yuri and it would be incredible to meet him.
Yuri seemed to be nicer than what all the articles about him say. Otabek was surprised by it but in a good way, he was worried Yuri would be yet another spoiled brat.

After finally putting his phone away, Otabek got in bed and went to sleep.

Yuri, however, stayed up thinking about how he could convince Otabek to go on a date with him when he visits Russia. "He'll be mine before his trip is over."


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