Upvote Basics to APA and MLA

by raytrey
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In APA, in-text citations are slightly different from the MLA style because they consist of the author name and year of publication. It is important to note that you should not cite works that are six and beyond years old. For instance, currently, it is good to cite works from 2014 to 2018. An excellent example of in-text citation in APA is (Alexander, 2017). In APA, direct quotations are not necessary. However, if there are two authors, you should consider writing two names in the in-text citation together with the year for publishing. For instance, (John & James, 2016). If there are more than two authors, then you should start with the name of the first author that appears in the text being cited, followed by “et al.” For instance, (Abshir et al., 2018).

In APA the first page should consist of the title, student's name and the institutional affiliation. These three things should be aligned at the center of the page, and then a page break should be inserted after writing the institutional affiliation. The first-page header in APA should be formatted in such a way that it is different from the other pages. It is because the header in the first page must contain these words in; "Running head" followed by the actual title of your work. However, the other pages should have the title without the word Running head.

In MLA things are a little bit different because the header is placed at the top right corner of the page it should contain the surname and the page number. The format for the header is Times New Roman and 12 points.  The first page in MLA includes of the surname, the professor name, the course and the date aligned at the top on the left below the header. Then the title of the work follows but its alignment is a center alignment after which the body is written. 

In conclusion, writing essays is not a hard task, you have to master the basic techniques and know how to plan your work effectively. Writing articles is important because it is a skill that will be needed throughout the career for those intending to venture into academic careers. You should follow the instructions given by the professor and be able to tackle the prompts that are provided by the questions. You should be able to minimize plagiarism issues by effectively citing your work with the correct format. Every paragraph should have a word limit of 140 words and consider that a page has 275 words.

There are various ways in which you can minimize plagiarism issues such as paraphrasing or as mentioned earlier on citing your work. It is an illegal act to use someone else work without recognizing their efforts. It is therefore essential that we cite our work. However, if you have any problem with citing your work, you may feel free to refer to EssayWritingSolutions. Having learned these concepts, you are now ready to write an excellent essay that will enable you to become a high achiever. Wishing you success in your endeavors. However, if you still feel you are not yet comfortable with the formats you can always source aid from essay writing services.




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