Rated M
by WCLaine
Tags   smut   drama   comedy   originalcharacter   vampire   thevampirediaries   tvshow   | Report Content




* A deadly and evil corporation capable of emitting powerful waves of superficiality that can reduce a teenager's brain mass into excrement in mere seconds.
* Disguises nefarious intentions of gaining wealth from the idiotic with incessant marketing/brainwashing.



Today was a Friday, and for some reason, the Mikaelson men were sat at home abstaining from the nefarious. The four of them were sat in the main room despite not really getting along. Elijah was sitting in the armchair reading a novel in silence while Niklaus sat to his right on the sofa, sketching. Finn sat on the parallel sofa watching the large TV while the youngest led on the floor, flicking through the channels like a toddler with a new to at Christmas. Kol was amazed by all the things flashing in front of his eyes. There were so many channels showing so many obscure things. But even more than the youngest, Finn was still stuck on oddity called electricity.

"What is this?" The youngest adjusted his position into a sitting one as he asked his older, supposedly more clued up brothers.

Niklaus peered up from his work to see what the fuss was about but said nothing about the wonders of television.

"What the Hell is that?" Kol repeated, this time with zealous confusion.

"Maybe it's a mating ceremony?" Finn cocked his head as he watched intently. "Furless animals...That are orange coloured..."

"They're people, brother."

Snapping his head around to see Niklaus, Finn's mouth hung ajar as his eyes bulged. "Is that a joke?"

By this point, even Elijah had his interest piqued - And even if he hadn't, with all the commotion going on, he'd have no chance in even getting a page read by supper. Discreetly sneaking glances quickly turned into an attempt at a stoic stare.

A commercial began, "Later this week-"

"-They know what will happen later in the week!" Kol pointed at the screen like he'd found gold at the end of a rainbow. "They must know a great witch."

The four brothers watched the screen for some moments, wondering what could possibly appear next. And what did was indeed a shock.

A horde of barely clothed women with bleached hair strut around a mansion as a tune started.

"What is this?"

"Pornography?" Elijah shot, not quite sure himself.

"What?" Finn and Kol asked their eldest brother, confused.

"With terrible music," Niklaus added with a smirk.

Another person entered the shot. Dark of skin tone, shirtless and tattooed, he pointed to the multiple gleaming chains around his neck and garbled on his words quickly.

"I don't understand," the youngest frowned with an open mouth.

"Those women are completely indecent," Finn commented in horror when the females on the screen began rubbing themselves and the man.

"Is that how to get girls these days, Nik?" Kol wondered.


Later that afternoon when Rebekah returned home to find something that had never even crossed her mind. It was quite disturbing, really. Cable-car wreckage music bleared and smoke lay heavy in the space. Century-old furniture was overturned and feathers from the duck down cushions littered the floor with empty bottles and paper cash. Her eyes landed on her brothers, looking a little like themselves.

"What on God’s green earth are you doing?"

Shirt missing, Kol glanced away from the half-naked girl he was watching grind air on top of the grand piano and waved his hand at his sister. "Porn." He licked his lower lip and shoved another fifty dollar note in the trollop's string underwear.

"Excuse me?" The youngest Mikaelson gasped and turned to the eldest for help. "Lijah...?"

Sitting in the same place as earlier, Elijah puffed on a cigar whilst wearing a fur coat and blacked-out shades. "Bro's before hoe's, Rebekah."

"The roof, the roof is on fire!" Finn shouted, a half-empty bottle of champagne in his upraised hand.

"The roof, the roof is on fire!~" The three girls in bikini's that stood around him repeated giddily as they shook their scantily clad rears to the thumping gangsta-club music.

Rebekah glanced up, "oh my God," her eyes went wide, "it's actually on fire."

"Brother, you know you're not actually supposed to set the ceiling on fire, right? How many times do I have to tell you?" Niklaus came into the main room and told. He too was also shirtless. Only, this brother wore neon pink shutter shades and metallic orange  Speedo's. His hair was crazily messed up and multicoloured marks looking suspiciously like lipstick prints covered the majority of his body.

The only sister was at a loss. Not only was she confused, but her emotions were bordering on fear. What if they stayed like this? If she could find the cause, maybe she could fix them. "How did this happen?"


Throwing her purse down on the couch littered with empty bottles and a passed out hooker wannabe, Rebekah marched over to the entertainment set-up. Getting down on her knees in panic, the blonde ripped the wires from the digital box and TV. "We're getting rid of cable."



Updated: 3rd April 2020 - 20:04



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