Chapter 2: Jack

by Jackunzel_Lover12
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Im furious, absoulutley furious. I countinue to walk down the hall, searching for the archives room. How could they keep something from me? something so important? Im one of them now, and yet they dotn treat me like them. they still see you as a child my self-doubt nips at me. I striaghten my shoulders as i remeber what i heard.

I stalk down the hall, wanting to check if there has been any recent sightings of pitch when i heard  bunnymunds thick austrialian accent booming from the head quarters. " Do you have any ideas of what it could mean?" I heard a sigh from, North?

"ive got my elves lookin' through our archives to see if we got anything like this in the past," North spoke with athourity, his russian accent interwining with his words. " What did you call this?" Toothiina' smooth voice fills the room.

"A prophecy," North. A prophecy? why havent i heard of this? They dont trust you enough to tell you important things my self doubt chimes. " we havent completly decoded it yet, but i think we've figured out most," i peer around the corner and find  bunnymund, toothina, and north standing over a round table with a hollowgram pulled up. "The first line is talking about a girl with hair of fire, and we beilive this girl to be merida DunBroch," An images flashes in the air of a girl ready to fire an arrow. she has hair as red as flames and eyes as dark as the sea, and she stands with confidence. " Not only does she match the description, but she' s next in line to rule the kindom of dunbroch," The two agree and bunnymund speaks. " The next line is talking about a boy who fights with a dragon, and we beilive he is no other than Hiccup Haddock III." dragon! Here i am watching santa, and i never knew dragons were real. The halogram changes into a boy about my hieght and roughly about 18. He has hair up to his ears with small braids scattered through the brown strands, and he is standing next to a long tailed black dragon, wearing an armored suit and what I think is a metal foot? "Are you sure this is him?" Toothina floats up to the halogram and searches the boys face, 'I mean it couldbe about anyone."

North mubles in agreement and presses puttons on the table so another images projects." By the end it talks about a child of the sun locked in a tower away form the world, and something about the moon falling. I have gone through achrives and found that there is a girl, they call her Rupunzel." Rupunzel? That doesnt sound like a normal name, well neither do Hiccup or Merida. the Halogram shifts into a thin, beautiful girl. I skim over the fact that he hair is miles long and focous on her eyes. There were different shades of green swirling around her pupil, and dark long eye lashes framed them. She gave a smile that could awe a thousand, and her lips were full and pink. I shook my head, why am i thinking about her lips? I leaned against the wall keeping my gaze on the halogram, when Norths voice cut through my thoughts. " We beileve this to be the child of the sun, but we have a problem with getting to them."

The halogram changes into a thin line with three point plotted on them, very spread apart. "Each of our three are in different time zones," Bunnymund and Toothina gaped and North and Toothinas minions chatter with wide eyes. "But we have a solution," Noths nods to one of his elves and they scurry to him. handing him a long, scroll? he put it on the table and placed his hands on each side. "This is something that showed up along with the prophecy, and its called a time helix."

Time helix? 'It will get us to the specific time and places we need to be to get our three, But you have to transport back frokm where oyu shows up before. and try not to cause a scene, remeber these kids were here before us so lets try not to change our present," Bunnymund scoffs and crosses his arms. " I dont understand why we need to bring in a couple of kids to come help us, what will they do?"

"We need to do what the phrophecy asked."

"But how do we know this isnt a sham?" Bunnymund through his hands up, " What if someone is just trying to get us out of the way?" 

"Stop complaining, where leaving tomrrow,"North handed the scroll back to the elf, "Bring this to the arhchives," archives. Thats were im going.

I walk up to a door that has arhcives written across in red and yellow. I twist the nob and push open the door, there are thousands anf thouasands of shelves stack with boxes of files and objects. In the front of the room there is a large office area with three computes lined on the desk, I walk up to the coumputer and a screen pops up asking me to enetr what i need. the elf should have been here and stacked it away so i type in Time Helix and a picture and descrition pop up. I click on it and i hear he twisting of metal, a pop, then in the slot next to me the Time Helix appears. I slide open the door, and hold it in my hands. It has two options, Place,and year. I set it to 1780, and for the kingdom of Carona, the Time helix flies to the ground and opens up a large hole that floats in the middle of the air, colored with swirls of blue and purple. "Lets hope this works," I mutter and step through to a ground covered in snow. The time helix sealed shut and layed on the ground were i buried it in snow. I looked around and say an opening to a cave that was coverd by vines, i pushed them to the side and say that it was a long tunnel that led to an open feild. I sailed through and say in the middle of the clearing a tall brick tower with no stairs, bingo. I flew up to the window and perched on the side ledge looking around the room, Then my eyes found her and i was breathless. She was sitting on a large plush chair wrpapped in a soft red blanket, She had beautiful green eyes that were framed by thick lashes. Ice began to spread along the window seal to i quitetly flew in and perchted on a pillar across the cieling. I watched her eyes dart to the window and widen with amazment. She shrugged off the blanket and I saw what she was wearing underneath. A long silk purple dress hugged her curves and stop by her ankles. The dress had long sleeves but a low neckline revealing- I cleared my throat silently. She was absoulutley gorgeous, and im suprised i wasnt drooling. I lost balance a sent a rush of air to keep me steady, knocking a spoon ot the ground. She spins around and stalkes to the kitchen, and picks up the spoon examining it." So your the girl they were talking about?" I thought out loud, "Not what i expected."

She jumps and grabs a pan form the counter and searches the area untill her eyes find mine, I almost let out a moan. "Come near me and you'll get hurt," I widen my eyes. is she talking to me? i turn around and search for someone behind me, then face her and point at my chest." yes im talking to you," she hold the pan higher, "how did you get in here?" 

My breathing becomes heavy. She can see me. She doesnt know who i am, But she see's me. I watch her for a second then laugh, which makes her flusterd. I keep my eyes sonnected to hers "Y-You can see me?" I stutter, unable to keep my speech intact. "You can see me!" I say loauder with joy, which makes her cringe. "Of course i can see you, now anwser me question."

I ingnore her question and keep going, "This must be why their so intrested in you," I run my hand through my hair and float down form the pillars and land infront of her which cuases her to take a step back and glare at me. " How can you see me? your not one of the four," i continue to stress. "Look i dont know who you are or how you got here, but you need to leave," Her tone makes me want to laugh. How can someone so petite and small have such an angry voice. I give her a quick once over, and red rises to her cheeks. "I said you need to leave," she says again with the same tone."

I begin to roll my eyes when i noticed a pile of golden thread sitting on the floor, i bend to look behind her when i notice the thread it actually her hair. My jaw literally drops."Wow. Dude, your hair," I say not being able to pull together more than four words. She squares her shoulders, obviously insulted, " you obvoiusly dont have very good listening skills, I-" 

I put up my hand, "ya ya, I heard you but I cant leave without you," Her face shows confusion but all she say is, "Im not allowed to leave."

I tilt my head to the side and give her a lazy girn which makes her blush again, the blush ive come to rather enjoy. "of course you are. Its this easy," I spread my arms and walk over to the windows. " i take you to the time helix and we go to Norths shop, easy peasy." her face contours with confusion then she glares. "Im not going any where with you," I walk toward her and stop so that my face is just inches from hers, inches away form her lips... I push away the thought. "it wasnt a choice blondie, i need you to come with me," She struggles to breath, and she has strands of free hair layed across her forhead and i fight the urge to tuck it behind her ear. She extends her arms and im ready for her to ghost through me, but she makes contact and i stumble to the ground. I look at her, and amazment spreads over my face, she touched me. she actually ,physically, touched me."How..why... y-you touched me," I stutter like an idiot. She rolls her emerald green eyes, "I told you to leave."

I stood and dusted myself off, keeping my eyes trained on her, taking in her delicate features. "why would they tell me about you?" i closed the distance between us, " there is something different about you... I cant place it," She swallows. " I dont know what you want from me," She whispers, and a million thought swirl through my head but i push them out." Mother will be back soon and shewont be happy when she finds you here."

I roll my eyes, but then i wonder... Can i touch her? I want to touch her. I really want to touch her, and I dont feel like questioning the urge. I slowly raise my hand and cup her cheeck, feeling her warmness against my cold, and she seems to almost lean into me. Like its an instict, and now i cant stop staring at her full lips. Her eyes widned, then she scowls stepping back," im done asking."

I roll my eyes agian, its now or never. In a quick stride im in fornt of her ,wrapping my arm around her thin waist, and for a quick second her soft body is flushed gaint my hard one, and i almost moan. I remeber what im here to do and i sweep her into my arms, and fly out the window. I try to remember my surrondings and make my way back to the Time helix, but all i can focus on is her, amazed by the snow. she reaches her hand out and flakes fall into her hand and melts, She lets out a light luagh that makes my heart stop. She freezes than begins to flail, "Let.Me.Go!" She screams, kicking my. Great timimg, were already here. I float down and set her down, and she trips from the momentuem and falls into the snow. She shiver and her arms chatter, crap. I'd didnt ever get cold, hint the name, but i forgot about her. I grab her arm and help her up, tugging her against the length of my body.She's so warm, she could pull my out of the frozen abbys ive been in for 300 years. I dust the snow out of her hair and keep my eyes trained on her's, until she sticks out her tounge to like her lips. My gaze falls and I could feel myself heating. I clear my throat and put her at arms distance, motioning behind me, "We need to go," I twist the time helix and the portal opens. She rolls her eyes and stomps her foot, 'I dont even know your name," She breathes looking down at her shoe less fee, which almost seem blue. I widen my eyes, out of all things she wants to know my name. I smile, "Jack, Jack frost."

"Jack frost," The words sond like a song coming from her, a song i could listen to for hours. " Well Jack frost-"

"You can call me jack," I say helplessly. " Well jack," she snarls my name, " Im not going anywhere-" I grab her wrist, done with argueing, and shove her through the portal.


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