Crackfic Fanfiction

Toroko Got Fingered [Complete]

by xandermartin98 updated on
Tags: crackfic fanfic satire parody videogames cavestory freddygotfingered
Chapters: 6 |

In probably the literal most underrated Cave Story fanfic of all time, Jack plays the role of Tom Green in what is presumably a parody of Freddy Got Fingered, only the difference is that this sto... Read More

Jolly Journal Entries - Fwunny FwanFwuikchion Days with BeHappy [Complete]

by BeHappy updated on
Tags: original random crackfic crack funny journal
Chapters: 10 | Votes: 4 | Comments: 8 |

    Hello! This is BeHappy...again...yay. ... Read More

Unicorns Rule [Complete]

by ByungKitty updated on
Tags: original crackfic unicorns bacon crack rainbows butterflies
Chapters: 11 | Votes: 16 | Subscribers: 31 | Views: 4575 | Comments: 53 |

Unicorns rule. They sparkle and shine and throw up rainbows and smell like bacon and have cotton candy manes and poop out butterflies. They will take over the world.... Read More

Unicorns Rule: the Sequel [Complete]

by ByungKitty updated on
Tags: crackfic unicorns crack gummybears explosions
Chapters: 9 | Votes: 9 | Subscribers: 17 | Views: 3750 | Comments: 19 |

Unicorns rule. They sparkle and shine and throw up rainbows and smell like bacon and have cotton candy manes and poop out butterflies. The unicorns are back, and better than ever. They will take ... Read More

Sausage Patti [Complete]

by FattyPandi updated on
Tags: random crackfic unicorns bacon piglove
Chapters: 1 | Subscribers: 2 | Views: 2150 | Comments: 1 |

I was bored and by bored I meant really bored. LOL. I had a bunch of homework... Read More

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