Random Fanfiction

〈 MASKS 〉— 。a collection of past rp characters

by osiris updated on
Tags: random private
Chapters: 11 |

  There is nothing for you here. Only the whispers of a long forgotten past.      ... Read More

a little part of my world

by yingjumeihua updated on
Tags: oneshot original drabble random inspiration writing dream
Chapters: 10 | Subscribers: 6 | Views: 3325 | Comments: 1 |

    I d... Read More

FFO Peeves

by BeHappy updated on
Tags: you random interactive peeves complaints fanfics fun
Chapters: 19 | Votes: 18 | Views: 5950 | Comments: 115 |

    Hi there, this is BeHappy, with a rant fic! ... Read More

Poems and Oneshots

by SwordOfDeath updated on
Tags: romance random originalcharacter poems depression
Chapters: 4 |

These are just random oneshots and poems I make when I have nothing else to do.... Read More

Happy Endings

by tigerinkage updated on
Tags: drabble comedy random originalcharacter short funny
Views: 1275 |

Happ... Read More

Jolly Journal Entries - Fwunny FwanFwuikchion Days with BeHappy [Complete]

by BeHappy updated on
Tags: original random crackfic crack funny journal
Chapters: 10 | Votes: 4 | Comments: 8 |

    Hello! This is BeHappy...again...yay. ... Read More

A word of advice for starting high school, by Judy [Complete]

by UmiZoomi updated on
Tags: random advice judy cindy
Chapters: 1 | Comments: 1 |

read da title... Read More

Polls 4 Lols

by jj_maple updated on
Tags: sliceoflife random
Chapters: 7 | Votes: 1 | Subscribers: 5 | Views: 2375 | Comments: 12 |

Just a bunch of random polls because i always get bored and you might too ^^ WARNING: The polls may or may not be funny (yes I know what the title says)  ... Read More

Beginning [Friends Only]

by Wish-Forever updated on
Tags: random
Chapters: 1 |

Beginning - be-gin-ing : -The point of time or space at which anything begins.... Read More

Lock It Safely

by superhero updated on
Tags: drabbles angst sliceoflife random story shortstories
Chapters: 1 | Comments: 1 |

... Read More

Tales from a kingdom

by Anachi updated on
Tags: comedy random weird

In a far away kingdom lived an old painter. He had an enemy. A little girl. The painter complained everyday to the king and finally the little girl was banished. But... Read More

How To Make A Smoothie In 20 Easy Steps [Complete]

by jj_maple updated on
Tags: comedy random smoothie
Chapters: 1 | Comments: 9 |

This one-shot is the sequel to How To Make A Sandwich. Please enjoy this weird/random story and share, comment, subscribe and upvote! Thank you!... Read More

How to make a sandwich [Complete]

by jj_maple updated on
Tags: comedy random food sandwiches
Chapters: 1 | Votes: 2 | Subscribers: 11 | Views: 3300 | Comments: 18 |

If you need a description, you obviously haven't read the title. READ THE TITLE. Much appreciated :)... Read More

Change. [Complete]

by thenameiloved updated on
Tags: drama oneshot original random change tragic
Chapters: 1 | Comments: 1 |

  Hi! So this is El. I decided to post just a one-shot story just for now. Just a little ice-breaker ... Read More

The Most Interesting Oneshot You Have Ever Read in Your Entire Life

by Priscy123 updated on
Tags: random vampire crackfic lovetriangle unicorn troll
Comments: 2 |

You shall be ultimately mindblown by this extremely intelligent and logical piece of masterpiece I will present to you.  ... Read More

Sausage Patti [Complete]

by FattyPandi updated on
Tags: random crackfic unicorns bacon piglove
Chapters: 1 | Subscribers: 2 | Views: 2150 | Comments: 1 |

I was bored and by bored I meant really bored. LOL. I had a bunch of homework... Read More

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