Originalwork Fanfiction

Chasing Fear [Complete]

by Scheherazade created on
Tags: originalwork
Chapters: 11 | Views: 2175 | Comments: 1 |

A story of growing up and believing not only in magic, but in yourself and what your friends can help you become. ... Read More

My Boy Next Door

by kirito created on
Tags: romance original fluff originalwork
Chapters: 1 | Subscribers: 2 |

"Ack, was that mint chocolate?!" ... Read More

Love is War

by MidnightNightingale created on
Tags: romance drama tragedy originalwork war
Chapters: 5 | Votes: 1 | Views: 2500 |

  "It is said that love is worth ... Read More

Do You Ship Us?

by Littlelovestories created on
Tags: love cute originalwork depression gay boyband ship
Chapters: 1 |

We all know a boyband that gives us the gay vibe, but what's really going on with the members when they aren't acting a certain way for their fans and who pulls the strings in publicity stunts?... Read More

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