Depression Fanfiction

Do You Ship Us?

by Littlelovestories updated on
Tags: love cute originalwork depression gay boyband ship
Chapters: 1 |

We all know a boyband that gives us the gay vibe, but what's really going on with the members when they aren't acting a certain way for their fans and who pulls the strings in publicity stunts?... Read More

Poems and Oneshots

by SwordOfDeath updated on
Tags: romance random originalcharacter poems depression
Chapters: 4 |

These are just random oneshots and poems I make when I have nothing else to do.... Read More

In the Rain, Stars Align

by aznosmao updated on
Tags: angst love lonely depression stronger
Chapters: 11 | Votes: 1 |

Everyone wants to find love and be loved, to be strong and have people at his or her side, to be proud. Yet this world is a trying place. Find your heaven in this hell. ... Read More

Nobody Is Home. [Complete]

by KhadijaMahmood updated on
Tags: angst sad originalcharacter depression
Chapters: 1 | Comments: 3 |

          ... Read More

The Pain Written in Her Eyes

by _uraqt updated on
Tags: original sliceoflife selfharm truestory depression
Chapters: 1 | Comments: 1 |

The lies he told me, the games he played; they lead me to one place. They lead me to the most scariest corner; they lead me to the only place I could be left in. Fear, always in my blood, do you ... Read More

Searching for Inspiration

by bluestockings updated on
Tags: angst original fantasy psychological depression

  Sitting alone in my room beneath the sunlight that dances through my dusty shutters I wonder what else is out there. ... Read More

Segments of Days

by Pastelsky updated on
Tags: angst sliceoflife originalcharacter depression
Chapters: 6 | Votes: 1 | Views: 2575 | Comments: 2 |

    The daily life of a troubled man is taken into account.    ... Read More

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