Prologue: Reason to Start

by GiveMariCookies
Tags   adventure   action   originalcharacter   pokemon   | Report Content

Prologue: Reason to Start - adventure action originalcharacter pokemon - main story image


Through the deepest ends of an unknown forest of the well known Hoenn region lived a vast village that outsiders know nothing about. However, there never used to be a village here. Many years back, it's people were nomads: Traveling across the deepest of forests and the deadliest of deserts, encountering many tribes and villages. However, it all changed when technology in the region spread beyond the cities and onto these lands and even across waters. The nomads preferred to live the life of nature and searched far and wide for a safe haven to keep their traditions alive. Stubborn as you may call them. Even now in the current age, they still live the life of traditions. The only real form of technology of the current world surrounding them they have are the well known pokéballs. Even with that, they still don't use them much except for a dire emergency like large storms causing mud slides or forest fires.

Another question is, how do they know of news outside their village?

Through receiving letters via Tailows and Swellows of course!


Leading up to this, our story tells of a 14 year old girl native to the village. It all started with a simple letter received about news of the outside world. She overheard the news of one of the villagers who set out on a journey to become a Pokémon Champion. The letter talked about his travels and led up to how he lost against the Johto Champion, Lance. She heard of that name before. She heard that he was also a Dragon Master. The girl knew of the village's lack of a Dragon Elder. You see, in order to keep peace in a growing village towards people and Pokémon, the village decided on a council of elders who were they best of each type of Pokémon.  When the girl questioned why there was no Dragon Elder, the only response she received was because it was difficult to properly raise Dragon types. Thus, this started her fire for adventure to go out and start her own journey.

She packed any essentials into her bag and requested permission from the counsel to start a journey. It was difficult to decide since she was young in their eyes and the world was vast and dangerous outside the village. Soon enough, they approved of it, thus starting her journey. When she questioned where she should go and receive her first Pokémon, it was suggested she would get one in a lab outside Oldale Town. With a location decided, they girl left everything behind her to accomplish what no one in her village has done before. This tale will be long and difficult but it would be worth much in the end for this one village girl:

Rozen Daemon.


A/N: I made the prologue like this on purpose just to through you all off. Next chapter will start the whole adventure, humor, and seriousness of it all. So stay tuned for it. Bye!!


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