Scifi Fanfiction


by kechonpa updated on
Tags: fantasy scifi anime supernatural action originalcharacter shounen
Chapters: 1 | Comments: 1 |

Hybrids are human that has powers to turn into animals. ... Read More

Dark Paradise

by wookrisus updated on
Tags: scifi zombies exo horror wuyifan exokris
Chapters: 1 | Comments: 1 |

The only thing you can do in this type of situation is kill and run, or stay frozen and die. ... Read More

Babylon A.D.

by ChromeHearts updated on
Tags: fantasy scifi action darkfantasy

Everyone has a price. What's yours?... Read More


by BrokenAbyssChain updated on
Tags: scifi action suspense survival dystopian relationships blackcomedy
Chapters: 1 | Votes: 1 | Comments: 3 |

  ... Read More

One-Eyed Monster: Bang Bang

by cuteismysterious updated on
Tags: fiction fantasy scifi
Comments: 2 |

I am Ran and I am here to save the world through battling monsters...Or not...? Eh, how come I will not save the world. I play the latest game, Kuduo; the game which allows you to shift ... Read More

My Little Lab Rat [Complete] [Members Only] [Subscribers Only]

by Sparked-Imperfection updated on
Tags: scifi ocbased
Chapters: 2 |

She wants to escape. She... Read More

Zombies, Everywhere!

by Volvelle updated on
Tags: scifi action zombie apocalypse
Chapters: 6 | Views: 1300 |

Seven strangers must band together to fight off the world's most feared and prevalent creatures... Read More

Mato Planet

by SammyJe updated on
Tags: yaoi angst fantasy scifi boyxboy

... Read More


by snowflakes updated on
Tags: friendship love scifi

Humanity have fallen into misfits... Read More


by YeollipopLjjang updated on
Tags: romance angst scifi psychological thriller future crime
Chapters: 1 | Comments: 2 |

 ... Read More

The Scientist

by lightwavesurfer updated on
Tags: romance original friendship scifi originalcharacter timetravel
Chapters: 2 |

Amelia, at 20 years of age, had an accident that caused her to lost all of her childhood memories. After recovering, her fa... Read More

Through Time and Space

by doctordork602 updated on
Tags: friendship scifi doctorwho
Chapters: 3 | Views: 1900 | Comments: 6 |

The Tardis roared, soon stopping somewhere in an alley. The Doctor’s head peeped out, looking around before he walked outside. ... Read More

Language of Love

by PaperbackWriter updated on
Tags: romance original scifi sciencefiction erotica
Chapters: 3 | Votes: 3 | Subscribers: 12 | Views: 2450 | Comments: 6 |

Eight years after a terrible accident destroyed his ability to speak, Julian has nearly given up on human rela... Read More


by reachforthestars- updated on
Tags: angst original scifi robots
Chapters: 1 | Subscribers: 5 | Views: 2150 | Comments: 3 |

She is a machine. A piece of technology. She can not feel. She cannot trust.  ... Read More

One Phone Call Away

by hi1234 updated on
Tags: scifi
Views: 1075 | Comments: 1 |

           Hello, this is jack, how can i help you. "he's dead" the woman on the phone said. "who is?" i asked. "your brother".    ... Read More

Waking Up

by dream_keeper88 updated on
Tags: scifi
Chapters: 2 | Subscribers: 3 | Views: 2175 | Comments: 3 |

      Things aren’t what they seem, it’s wha... Read More

Finding A Cure for Zombies

by FattyPandi updated on
Tags: scifi zombies dakotafanning jeremyirvine adventure
Chapters: 1 | Subscribers: 1 | Views: 2775 |

  Dakota roamed the world wanting to find a skilled doctor who would find a cure for ... Read More

Crystallize [Complete]

by tiaral updated on
Tags: angst xmen rogue scifi
Chapters: 6 | Votes: 3 | Comments: 9 |

Corruption taints beauty and malice defiles virtue.    ... Read More

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