Goodbye Father

by GiveMariCookies
Tags   romance   family   videogames   fea   fireemblem   | Report Content


Quick Warning: Spoilers for one of the FE:A endings so if you don't like end spoilers for this game, please don't read and wait for the next update.


"Inigo, hurry!" Morgan yelled as she rushed her Swordsman husband while aiming an arrow right at the heart of a Wyvern Rider.

This was it. The final battle against Grima. It was now or never as Chrom brought out the strongest of the Shepherds in fighting against any of the Grimleal that stood in the way.

However, there were only two ways in ridding the Fell Dragon.

If Chrom were to give the final blow, Grima would sleep for another possible thousand years. If Morgan's father were to finish the job, Grima would be rid of once and for all, however, the cost would be Senri's life with a very little possible chance of returning.

Morgan was preventing just that.

However, the problem being right now is the overwhelming amount of Grimleal that stood in the way between the pair and Senri and Lucina, who were making a mad dash to Grima right now.

Morgan looked around. Even with the overwhelming amount of enemies, her friends had no problem taking them down. Cynthia and her mother were taking care of the enemies in the back along with Donnel, Olivia, and Henry while Severa and Owain were closeby Morgan and Inigo as they easily dealt with the Generals.

What caught Morgan's eyes was seeing Chrom and Gaius dealing with Grima at the moment. She was relieved, as long as her father wasn't anywhere near his future self, he won't have to give up his life.

However, Grima nearly bested Chrom as he shot blury of attacks that the Exalt either dodged by moving backwords or Gaius pushing the sapphire haired man off to the side.

Morgan had to do a double take when she saw familiar platinum blonde hair deal a good slash at the Fell Dragon vessel.

How did her father get there so quickly?

Without a second thought, the sapphire haired Assassin made her way past the enemies, ignoring the calls from her companions and her husband.

She can't let him do this.

She won't let him do this!

Lucina dealt another good attack at the enemy with the use of her lance.

"Are you sure about this, Senri? I...I don't want you to leave..." the sapphire princess whispered, breath hitched as she looked at the Dark Knight Tactician.

The man's brown eyes gave no expression as he saw an opening, giving him a chance to rush in with his silver sword as he hacked at the enemy again. Only this time, Grima yelled out in pain as he fell to his knees.

Senri mounted off his horse as he approached the the weakened Fell Dragon.

"Y-you can't be serious, right...? Once y-you kill me, there'll be nothing l-left of you. Y-you and I...a-are one and the same..."

The platinum blonde held no expression as he looked at his future self. "For once I'm glad we are the same. I will never be able to undo the future past that you...we had caused for everyone but this is at least what I can do for everyone I love and care about right now."

A pinkish red ball of magic illuminated off of Senri's fingertips before shot the blast at the felldragon, ending him once and for all.


The light became absolutely intense as everyone had to shield their eyes. After a few seconds, the light dimmed down, revealing the aftermath.

Chrom's eyes widened as he saw his fellow friend and Tactician slowly fading from existence as little balls of light surrounded him.

"N-no..." the blue haired Exalt could only mutter.

Senri gave a warm smile to the man. "It's alright Chrom. I'm sure we'll reunite one day; no matter how long it'll take."

"Father!!" Morgan yelled, eyes briming with tears as she ran to him to embrace him. Lucina mounted off her horse as she went to hug her fading husband as well.

"This is how it must be, Morgan. We wanted you and have a bright and happy future," said the platinum blonde.

"F-father..." the blunette girl choked out as her tears flowed down from her cheeks.

She felt warm hands wipe away her tears as she saw both her mother and father wiping them away.

"No more crying, Morgan. This had to be secure not only a bright future for you, but for all of us," said Lucina with a smile.

"Remember, Morgan, this isn't goodbye. I'll surely comeback, even if it takes years. I'll travel the whole world if I have to if it means finding you all again. So please, have faith in me. Please do well while I'm gone. It'll a while..." muttered the Tactician.

Right before their eyes, the platinum blonde faded into nothingness. Morgan could only let more tears flow as she hugged her mother for comfort. The blunette Assassin felt her white haired husband wrap his arms around her from the back while Chrom did the same with Lucina.

It was the time of mourning, yes. However, it's the start of rebuilding a new future. A future where they'll keep believing the kind and loving Tactician, both husband and father, will one day return to his family.


A/N: Update! Okay, I apologize if this revolves more on my avatar but this is mostly my interpretation of how Grima's downfall would be in avatar's ending. And geez uhm well, I'm sorry I made it really sad and all. I'm not usually one to write anything too sad but I guys I'l just mostly experimenting with different atmospheres so...yeah.

No worries! Expect something much more lighthearted and happy next chapter. It'll revolve around my recent happens on my file in the aftergame!




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