
by firemoth_007
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* What is the purpose of Educational technology or technology in education?

- The purpose of technology in education is to make research, discoveries and dissemination of information easier and more efficient.

It gives everyone an equal access for everyone to a vast resource of information that would be otherwise have been only available to those who had access to books.

It also makes learning interactive and fun through the use of different media. Through technology, what the teachers and students used to do manually can be done in an easier and faster way


* What do you value in education and technology?

- What I value in education is that it gives people an equal footing on life. No matter what status you are from, when you have education, it opens opportunities that otherwise would have been out of grasp.

As for technology, I value technology because it generally makes life easier for most of us. It also connects us to people who are far from us. It allows us to learn new things within just a few clicks.


* What is the state of educational technology in the Philippines?

- I think the state of educational technology is still in the developmental process. We are far from the ideal setting wherein every child has access to the technology they need. But little by little we are improving and I believe that even though there are not enough computers in the classroom, most students are already exposed to technology and know much about it more than the older generations.


* As a future educator, what are you going to do about it?

- I wish to mix technology with old methods of education in the future. Although technology is beneficial in so many ways, I still believe that actual books and tangible outputs still have a place in this day and age where technology is ever so present.



layout by firemoth_007










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