Upvote Unexpected Twisted Fate

by mahbaobei
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Unexpected Twisted Fate - angst love sliceoflife school tragedy - main story image



Willy, Alana, Kyle,Cara, Hannah(Zoe) & etc [OCS]


A school memory to be lasting and remember for a whole lifetime. Although it's so hurtful but this brought so many memories, together.



  Willy Chen

  • A tall perfect guy
  • An excellent student
  • Comes from a wealthy family
  • Have a good looks
  • Quiet sometimes
  • Tend to be shy
  • A mix american-chinese

  Alana Cooper

  • Average height girl
  • An excellent student
  • Lives with her grandma
  • Carefree, outgoing and bubbly girl
  • Kindhearted & everyones favourite
  • Optimistic

  Kyle Dennis Ling

  • Takes a good care of Alana
  • Tall and friendly
  • Chinese guy
  • Down to earth
  • An average student

   Hannah Zoe Paterson

  • A close friend to Alana
  • Have a crush on Willy like other girl is
  • Average height but slightly a bit shorter than Alana
  • Have a curly hair
  • Happy go lucky
  • Cheeky at times



{ Ryan Sanchez McKay }   { Cara Ivanka Gomez }   { Josh Farrel }   { Krystal Danielle Fox }    { Kai Danny Lee }   { Raven Perry }   { Zach Patrick Hudson }   { Nicole Fernandez }

       &       Not classmate





Main song:

Epitone Project - Spring, Cherry Blossom and You



This story is based on my imaginary and is fiction. Somehow, the story is actually developed mainly from real life. As for the people in the story, half of them are real and half are just fake. 

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