Upvote Nothing More Than a Pokémon Adventure (edited) Completed!

by WinnieStar
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Nothing More Than a Pokémon Adventure (edited) - originalstory anime pokemon ocandcc - main story image



Xiaoling Dai(OC), Team Rocket Trio, Ash, Brock, Dawn, Rura Iyer(OC), Tonikey(OC) and Kora Dai(OC), Takumi(OC) and Souta Takahashi(OC)



Nothing More Than a Pokémon Adventure


This story starts with Xiaoling as the main character. She's in the world of pokémon. Facing new problems along the way, meeting new chracters and also the same old ones. So for her, goes from a boring sunny day to being kidnaped to major problem to festival? what? wanna know more? 

her life may not ever be normal again, well toward the end anyway.


Well read now!

P.S this book is also on wattpad ^3^


Pokemon STORY!

OC and CC

also please go on wattpad and search for this but its a very badly edited. mind that. so yeah, i decided to this, well its a long story.

i like pokemon thats one and also a comp so i can get my book famous or at least read more. so yeah. =___= i feel asham of doing this.

the one on my wattpadd probally edited in a way, i think...... 


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coffeeplease  on says:
this is good lol

Fantasy  on says about chapter 1:
Isn't this confusing to you?
If a person didn't know what Pokemon is I mean
But then again
Who doesn't know Pokemon?

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